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It's been a week since everything happened. I can still picture the day Kaylee came home, drunk and a mess. She completely ignored me and Daniel for the next two days. On day three is when she finally talked things out with me, but she still wasn't convinced. Daniel talked to her after me, I'm not sure what he said but it did work. Kaylee seemed to be normal after that, it was like nothing happened which was sort of weird to me.

Dylan apologized for what he said and did. He said he was going through things and he didn't mean to take his feelings out on me.

"Hey Leigh, Dani and I are going out tonight so you have the apartment to yourself." She said walking out of her room while putting on an earring.

"Okay, I'll see if Dylan wants to do anything since the other boys are out right now."

I texted him asking if he wanted to come over and hang out, which he responded with an of course. Kaylee left about thirty minutes later, and Dylan arrived an hour after that.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked me.

"Watch a movie?"

"I'll make popcorn, you get blankets." He said while going to my kitchen.

Once we finally finished getting ready and chose a movie, we were cuddled into each other arms. Dylan was resting his head on my shoulder as our legs were tangled and our eyes focused on the movie. I could feel him looking at me, but I paid attention to the movie.

He moved my hair and started to lightly kiss my neck. I smiled but then I nicely moved away. "Not now baby." He didn't listen and put a hand under my chin, making me look at him. We kissed, I started to pull away but he kept coming in. "Dylan come on." I said as I put a hand in between us.

"Relax baby." He said as he grabbed my waist and made me completely face him.

He started to kiss me again, this time it was rougher. He slowly started to push me back, as he got on top of me. I wanted to stop, but at the same time I didn't. We continued to kiss as Dylan started to slowly grind on me. I then felt him tug on my shirt.

"I can't." I said in between a kiss.

He lifted himself off of me and took of his shirt, then coming back to kiss me. "It's okay." He said while tugging on my shirt again. I didn't want to start a fight so I let him take it off.

His sucked on my neck, for sure leaving his mark there. My throat started to close, giving me flashbacks of when this happened the first time.

"Come on Ryan, stop it." I said as he was kissing me. He put more pressure on me, making it harder for me to move.

"Relax baby." He said as I felt him undo the bottom to my shorts. He moved to my neck and started kissing it, I felt tears form in my eyes.

"Stop crying and bring a little bitch." He said as he harshly grabbed my arms and put them to my side, so I couldn't move.

"Ryan get off!" I said trying to kick my legs. My breathe started to become uneven.

"Ryan stop!"

"Ryan stop!" I said to Dylan, not focusing on who I just called him. I pushed him away and quickly got up and away from him.

"What did you say?"

"Dylan I can't do this right now." I said backing up as he also got off the the couch. I tried to cover myself up with my arms since I was only in my shorts and just my bra.

"You called me Ryan, and you know I'm nothing like him."

I looked down at my feet, tears lightly started to fall.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." He said as he grabbed his phone, shirt and keys from the small table. "I'll see you later."

"No Dylan, I'm sorry!" I said trying to grab his wrist but he pulled away. He started to open the door but I grabbed him again, only to actually get pushed away.

"Stop Leigh!" He said while he shoved me, then he turned back around and kept walking.

He slammed the door which made me jump. When the door closed I sunk to the floor and cried. I felt like I was crying for no given reason, I felt stupid about it.

Jack POV

Zach and I were coming back from eating while Jonah and Corbyn went shopping. When we got off the elevator, we turned right and started walking down the hallway. 

"Stop Leigh!" I heard from behind me, followed by a door slamming.

Zach and I turn around to see Dylan leaving Leigh apartment. His shirt was gripped in his hand and he fast walked out of the hallway, not seeing us. When he turned down the small hallway to the elevator, Zach and I made a mad dash to Leigh door.

"Come on dude hurry up!" Zach said as I quickly pulled out Leigh room key that I had. Only Jonah and I have an extra one that works for her room.

Thoughts rushed in my head, the worse was always coming to my mind. I knew what Dylan was capable of but I tried to remind myself that he could never do that to Leigh.

Zach and I shoved the door open, to see Leigh on the floor crying. In the corner of my eyes I could see his eyes widen. I remember that Zach has never seen Leigh like this except in London when Jonah yelled at her. But this was different.

I quickly went to Leigh, who didn't even see or hear us come in. She was having another panic attack. She was death gripping her shirt in her hand as her other hand scratched at her throat. Her eyes made contact with mine, and for a second, just a split second, her eyes sparkled. They quickly went back to being dull and shiny from her crying. 

I sat on the floor and brought Leigh head to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her small torso and my legs around her legs. 

"shhh, it's okay." I gently said, trying to stop my voice from shaking. This was the most effective way to help Leigh get through a panic attack.

"I'll call Jonah." Zach said as he pulled out his phone.

I felt her quickly shake her head no. I could tell that she didn't want Jonah to get involved, he would literally kill Dylan. I would too, but I'm not even sure what happened. I wasn't going to assume anything without knowing but I knew Zach was already. His facial expressions were telling me that he thought Dylan did something without Leigh consent. 

"Don't call him." 


"Just don't."

Zach was considering to listen or not. He sighed as he put his phone up, then he got on the ground next to me. Leigh was finally controlling her breathing and she stopped shaking. 

"Take her upstairs. I'm going to my place to grab some clothes."

"Why?" He asked me while I let go of her and then he grabbed her, picking her up bridal style.

"I'm staying the night."

I quickly rushed back to my place and threw my stuff into my bag. I slung it over my shoulder and ran out of my apartment. I entered her apartment and when upstairs to her room, her and zach were laying in her bed together. When he saw me, he crawled out of her arms and walked over to me.

"Do your best friend job and go cuddle with her." He whispered to me. he then winked and left.

I rolled my eyes at Zach, then I got into the bed with Leigh. I knew that I couldn't leave her alone in these conditions. I pulled her closer to me, her head tucked into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. Her hair was moved out of the way, revealing hickeys that started to form. I sighed as I thought how someone could treat her in this horrible way. I grew sadder because I knew she wasn't going to leave him.

(A/N I might of cringed while writing this but if you or someone is going through any type of abusive, please let someone know. It's hard to get out of that because you feel like you have nobody to talk too, but you do. If any one of you need anything, you can always pm me)

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