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Today was finally the day for everyone to come to Europe. Jack and my family including Kaylee should land first. After that it's Corbyn and Daniel family about an hour later. We have an hour until the boys show and they are doing sound check right now. The families should be here after the concert and I was really excited to see my family since it's been four years.

"Hey we're back." Jonah said as him and the guys walked back into the green room.

"Hey." I said putting down my phone.

"Are you going to watch this time?" Corbyn asked taking a sip from his water.

"Yeah but I think I'll stay backstage and watch."

"Good choice." Zach said.

"Hey boys limelight is about to start so get ready." Said the boys manager as he popped his head into the room then closing the door after he was done speaking.

"Well that's are cue, so we'll see you later." Zach said getting up.

"Bye Jade."

"Bye Jojo."

They walked out if the room and before I even turned on my phone Ryan and Reese came into the room.

"Hey Leigh!" Reese said as she climbed into my lap.

"Hey sweetie. Do you want to finish our movie?" I asked.

"Yes please."

I picked Reese off my lap and place her next to me. I got up and grabbed Jonah laptop, "hey Ryan, Zach said you can use his computer for games if you don't want to watch with us."

"Okay thanks." He said grabbing the computer.

I sat back down and I logged on. Reese snuggled up against me and Ryan sat on the other side of me. I played The Little Mermaid from where we left off and we started to watch again. Reese leaned against me and I wrapped an arm around her. I played with her hair as she watched the movie, a habit I have always had. The boys had the twenty minutes with limelight then meet and greet which usually takes almost an hour.

I was so lost in the movie I snapped out when I heard the boys get announced and the scream of fans.

"I'll be back guys, I'm going to go watch the boys. If you want to come you can." I said looking at them.

"I'm fine." Reese said as she didn't take her eyes off the screen.

"Me too." Ryan said.

I left the room and I headed backstage. I was finally able to see them as they started to perform. Jonah looked my way and he smiled at me, the same goes for all of them. When the Air of the Night came on I joined in and did the smoothstep, something Jack taught me. I heard Jack let out a small laugh into the mic, I looked up and he was smiling at me. I stuck out my tongue at him as he playfully rolled his eyes and continued singing.

After the show and VIP everyone was trying to rush out of the venue so we could go get our families from the airport. The first flight landed about ten minutes ago and we didn't want them to wait anymore even though they still had the get their luggage.

"Okay we should get there in about ten minutes, the airport isn't that far from here." Jonah said as we all got on the bus.

"Okay I'll text Kaylee." I said.

Leigh-Hey we are on the way to pick you guys up

Kaylee-Okay I'm so happy to see you again

Leigh-Me too, how are my sisters?

Kaylee-Excited, we are about to get our luggage so I'll text you after


Jack POV

Once we finally arrived at the airport Jonah and Leigh were too anxious to go see their family. Jonah hasn't seen them for about four months and out of all of us he gets the most home sick. On the other hand Leigh hasn't seen them for four years. Yeah they would facetime and texted all the time but it's been forever since they have seen each other face to face. They never visited her because at the time they didn't have enough money and her mom still had breast cancer. Jonah offered to buy them tickets but his mom didn't want him to spend the money even though he offered many times.

"Jonah I don't know if I can do this." She said as we all walked off the bus and into the airport.

"It's going to be okay, calm down."

I grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. "You got this."

She gave me a small smile and we were now looking around for mine and her family.

"LEIGH!" We all heard as we turned around. Esther and Svea were sprinting towards us and Leigh ran to them too. Esther runs faster so she reached her first. Esther jumped into her sister arms as they begin to spin around. Svea wasn't that far behind and Leigh freed one of her arm that was holding Esther, and Svea jumped into her arm. Leigh didn't expect all the weight and they all went to the floor, "come on Jojo!" All of the sisters said. Jonah smiled wide and he went to the floor and grabbed all of his sisters, pulling them in for a hug. They were now all crying and laughing and I almost did too along with all the other boys. We all cooed at them finally reuniting.

"JACK!" I heard and I looked up and saw my three sisters. We all ran to each other and I reached Ava first as she jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around me. Next was Sydney who wasn't far behind, she wrapped her arms around us, causing me to lose balance and go to the floor. Isla then jumped onto all of them, receiving a big hug from me. I hugged all of them as we all stayed on the floor.

"Can't. Breathe." Isla said, squished between all of us. We all let go and stood up as we hugged again.

"Mom. Dad." I said as I saw them standing behind us as we were on the floor. I hugged the both of them and I swear the biggest smile was on my face.
After that we all walked over back to he group and Leigh was hugging her parents as the three of them cried.

"You look so beautiful." Her mom said as she cupped her face in her hands. Leigh had on the biggest and genuine happy smile which I have only seen once, that's when we went grocery shopping together and she pushed the cart I was in and I ran into the wall. I didn't hurt myself but we laughed our butts off to the point where it hurt our stomachs.

"Kaylee!" She said as she went to hug her, now our family was saying hi to the other boys.

"Hey! I missed you!"

"I missed you too." She said as they let go and Leigh wiped the tears off her face.

"I didn't want to ruin the family moment."

"You could never."

"Mine and Daniel family should be landing in ten minutes." Said Corbyn.

"Okay let's just wait here."

Leigh POV

We all walked over to a waiting area and sat down. I sat between Jack and Jonah, Esther on Jonah right, Svea laying across us, Isla on Jack lap, Sydney on Jack left and Ava curled up next to her. Jonah wrapped a hand around Esther and Svea, and layed his head on my shoulder. I wrapped one arm around Jack and my other one played with Svea hair. Jack held Isla and she cuddled up against him. We all felt like one big family and I love it.

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