Chapter 30 Get out

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"Are you going to join us or just sit there staring ?" I said looking over at Marco staring at us from outside of the pool.

"What ? I'm just admiring the view ." He said folding his arms across his chest smugly.

"The view ? Or are you just scared it's going to be cold ?"

"Scared ? Me ? Incase you haven't noticed , Marco Romano isn't scared of anything. " He said cocky.

"Oh I've noticed. " I mumbled underneath my breath , pushing my sunglasses down.

"What was that?" He asked before running and jumping in making my hair and everything else soaked.

"Marco!?" I shrieked checking to see if Dante was okay.

"I'm so sorry baby." He said swimming over to us.

"That's okay ." I said shaking my glasses off.

"I was actually talking to Dante. " He said with a smirk as I let out an offended gasp , splashing him with a hand ful of water before handing Dante off to Frankie.

"You asked for this ." I said with a smile before dunking his head under the water only resulting in him throwing me over his shoulder and then dunking me with him. It was an endless battle of back and forth with the one trying to basically drown the other -In a playful manner of course - until we grew tired.

"I guess we should probably get you to a real doctor's appointment now." Marco said , swimming to the steps next to me.

"Yeah , probably. " I said putting my hair up again.

"Marco ?"

"Yeah?" He said sitting next to me as the sun started to set some more behind the willow tree.

"Do you think we're ready for this ? Another kid ? Two kids are going to be a lot of work , not even to mention them being so close in age." I said seriously as he reached his hand out to me, pulling me close to his chest as I lied back in his arms.

"I think we can do this. If there's anyone who can handle two kids so close in age , it's you and me. I'll be with you every step of the way. I promise." He said placing a kiss to the top of my head as I couldn't help but lean into his touch.

"Thanks. I love you so much. "

"I love you more."

Needless to say , it didn't take Marco long to get the obgyn back here for my check up. It was like he was on this high demand list or something that meant she was at his beck and call no matter what, not that I minded it. It was actually pretty nice , especially since it was the same doctor as last time.

"Alice , so nice to see you again. How's the baby?" The kind girl- probably just a few years older than me- asked while Marco closed the door behind us.

"Dante , he's good. Really good thanks. " I said with a smile while we took a seat.

"Well, to what do I owe the honour to see you this soon again ?" She asked with a kind smile while I could see Marco tried really hard to keep his opinions to himself.

"I think I'm pregnant again - Marco's doctor confirmed it- but we thought it would be best if someone more... specialized in the field had a look." I said while she didn't need me to say another word as I was directed to the joined room followed closely by Marco. As I lied back while the doctor did everything she needed to , I couldn't help but feel a sense of Deja Vu while Marco and I anxiously waited on a picture to pop unto the screen. It was like we were back here for the first time.

"Well , I can confirm that you are indeed pregnant. " She said with a smile as I looked over at Marco, giving his hand a squeeze while we looked over at the doctor still staring at us.

"What ? Is something wrong?" I said panicked while she looked back at the screen and then to us.

"No , on the contrary everything is perfect. "

"Then what is it ?" I asked confused as I could feel Marco's hand tense in mine.

"Congratulations Alice, Marco. You're having twins !" She said excited while I swear my jaw would've fallen on the floor if I was standing right now. Though, the only words that kept replaying in mind was Marco's.

Looking over at a stunned Marco I sat up - while the doctor excused herself - as I folded my arms across my chest.

"Yeah Marco, I guess you were reeeeal careful huh ?" I said raising my brow as he snapped back to reality.

"Well how was I supposed to know it would result in us having twins !?" He said panicked as I could see he was starting to feel real guilty for his 'slip up' , while I couldn't bare to see him suffer any longer.

"Marco, look at me." I said looking into his sad , guilt written eyes.

"It's okay. We're okay. And remember what you told me in the pool yesterday?" I said making him soften his gaze. "So we're going to have three kids under the age of two. We've got this. And besides, you've got a house full of babysitters. " I said earning a smile from him.

"Let's go ." He said placing a kiss to my temple as he guided me back to his office, pulling me into his lap.

"Apart from you making me feel super guilty about this, I'm actually really happy. We said we wanted a big family and now we're just, two kids closer." he said making a laugh ripple through his chest as I couldn't help but smile at the joy he was portraying.

"Yeah come on in. " Marco said as a knock sounded from the door , before Dom and Frankie came in each with a plate of Burgers and fries.

"No way ." I said with a smile turning back to Marco as I got off his lap.

"You deserve to be spoiled. After all..." he trailed off with a smile as I gratefully took the plates from them.

"Congratulations by the way. Heard you were having twins." Dom said while I was already too  engrossed in the delicious taste that filled my mouth.

"Yeah Marco, you should really slow down man." Frankie said laughing while Marco replied saying; "Just get out" leaving us by ourselves enjoying our delicious meal .

That's it ! I don't know why , but I really like the idea of twins. If you've read some of my other works you'll know what I'm talking about. Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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