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A/N : please don't judge my book by the first three chapters. This is not an accurate representation of how the rest of the story will go. This is just a little back story so the rest will make sense. Thank you so much. Enjoy 💛


"Lucas Kennedy was not only my best friend , but a brother. He was the one who could always convince me to do stupid things that were out of my comfort zone, ultimately leading to me finding a new hobby. But he was also the one who believed in me even when I couldn't believe in myself-"

I choke back the tears , taking a deep breath before addressing the mourning crowd again.

"He...He was taken too soon . And I ... I don't know how I'm going to make it without him . He was ... I'm so sorry." I said , running off the steps and out the door with tears streaming down my face.

How can I stand there in a room full of sad and guilt written  people,  feeling just as lost as I am , and talk about the good old days ?

I can't stand up there and pretend that my best friend wasn't dead . He is . And there's nothing and no one that can do anything about it now... it's too late.

It's always too late.

They say that he was on his way to grab some coffee  last Wednesday morning when he made a stop next to the old gas station to call his parents. Little did he know - or anyone for that matter - that the old gas station was scheduled for demolition , to be blown up. That he would end up being burned beyond recognition.

I guess Lucas was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or atleast that's the sick 'joke' everyone keeps making . Thinking  that it would make up for the loss of a life. An innocent mistake.

Why didn't they just tell the damn public to stay away from that area !?

Sitting on the steps of our childhood church , a cool winter breeze nips at my bare arms. It was like it was him , trying to hold me , trying to comfort me and tell me that this wasn't the end .

But I'll take him being here now , over anything else in this world.

Slowly I hear the church bell ring ,before the heavy doors behind me are opened , the once  seated mourning people now filing out the doors into two single file lines.

I get up , making room for them to pass as I pinch my eyes shut seeing the heavy 'box' - that would forever be my best friend's holding place - walk by.

I couldn't believe he was really gone ...

Never seeing him again. Or his smile , the way his eyes lit up when we shared an oreo or even hear that incredibly dorky laugh of his that I've come to love , breaks my heart into pieces. It destroys every inch of my being . Like a wrecking ball to the gut.

I'm numb .

A statue of my former self.

How do I go on from here ?

How do I live after this ?

He was everything I had and everything I'm missing now.

My other half. Like a twin. A distant yet so close part of me.

"Hey Alice ? You okay ?" Rebecca - one of my few close friends - asks, standing next to me as the hearse slowly passes us .

"Honestly?  I don't know ... "

"Yeah I know exactly what you mean ... I mean we all grew up together. We stayed two houses from eachother and now him being gone it- it just doesn't feel real ." She says, wiping away a stray tear from her cheek.

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