Chapter 29 Complaining

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After a while of me waiting around,Marco soon came back with two plates with omelettes and some toast as I hungrily took it from him.

"Thanks. Looks delicious. " I said placing Dante back into his crib.

"Better than whatever you would've made?" He said teasing as he got in next to me.

"For your information, I would've made us Oatmeal with berries. " I said watching him raise his brow at me. "Yeah you're right , yours is way better ." I said laughing while he did the same.

Taking a bite from my meal , I would've thought I would enjoy it more - having it look this good- but clearly as I wrong as one bite sent me to the bathroom spilling it all out a second later.

"What is it ?" Marco asked rushing next to me.

"I don't think your breakfast was such a big hit after all." I said pulling back trying to muster a smile.

"But nothing happend to me and I made mine the exact same way." He said as I got up from the floor and rinsed my mouth out.

"Don't worry about it. I'm all good now, must've just been a bad egg or something. " I said getting back into bed while taking a sip from my juice.

"I'll let our doctor check you out just in case.  I'm so sorry. I really wanted to make this breakfast special." He said disappointed as I placed my plate on the side table.

"Don't worry about it. Things like this happen." I said placing a kiss to his lips while I could see he was practically beating himself up over it.

"I uh , I should probably get to work. But tell me what the doctor said okay?" He said getting up and grabbing a fresh pair of clothes.

"I really don't think that would be necessary ."

"Alice please, I'd feel lot better if you get checked out by a professional. " He said practically begging me. I couldn't believe he felt so guilty about this. But I also didn't want to add to it so I said ;
"Of course." Placing a kiss to his lips before he walked down to his office. To think the day started off so cheery and now he was filled with so much guilt and regret. But I knew the only way to make him see that I was okay , was to make him see that I was okay.

Handing Dante off to Dom , I made my way towards Marco's office with the results from their doctor.

"Are you busy?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"Never for you. What did the doctor say ?" He said , putting his work to the side as I walked over sitting on his lap.

"Would you relax already. I told you there was nothing to worry about."

"Alice , I'm sure there is. Did you even go to him ?" He said worried, wrapping his arms around my waist as I watched him.

"I did. And you were right. It was all your fault. " I said watching his face drop as I placed my finger under his chin , directing his gaze back to mine. "But it wasn't your breakfast. I'm pregnant. Again."

"What ? Are you serious?" He said as I could see he tried so hard to fight the smile .

"You can be happy Marco. I am too. " I said and right when I did , he captured my lips with his.

"But I thought this wasn't what you wanted. " he said confused pulling back.

"I think we both know that Dante wasn't planned either. But atleast this time , we know that one time is all it takes." I warned emphasizing it as I could see a tint of red rising to his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah... my bad." He said while I couldn't help but smile and place another kiss to his lips. 

"It doesn't matter. I guess Dante is just going to be a big brother sooner than we thought. " I said getting up as he did the same.

"We should tell them, right?" He said as I looked at him like 'how can we even hide this '

"I think so." I said while he interlaced our hands as we walked out.

"Uh... we have something to tell you." Marco said as my eyes landed on Dante giggling in Dom's arms before putting my attention back on Marco.

"Alice is pregnant again." He said with a smile while everyone cheered before breaking up into their groups again.

"You should really be a bit more careful." Frankie said amused as Marco sent a glare his way.

"Congrats I guess." Tom said shaking his hand while Dom handed Dante over to me.

"I'm so happy for you." He said while he hugged me -where no one but us could see - as I pulled back with a smile saying ; "Thanks."

"You too." He said directed towards Marco as he just gave him a smile and a nod in return before he left too.

"See , that wasn't so bad." I said while Marco let out a breath , still processing everything.

"Yeah , but now my men think I'm some type of animal that can't keep it in his pants. " he said taking a seat at the counter.

"But you can't. " I said laughing while he did the same , rolling his eyes and saying; "Whatever. "

"I'm just saying. They're not wrong." I said still laughing as I walked over to him.

"Oh yeah ? Well I haven't heard you complaining." He said laughing as I knew I couldn't fight him on this.

"Fair enough. " I said laughing while grabbing a chocolate bar. 

"I really am happy Alice. Planned or not. Having Dante and seeing him grow has made me love in such a pure way that I never thought I was capable of. And it's all thanks to you. And if this one " he said placing his hand on my non existing bump " turns out as great as the first one did , I'd be more than happy to have as many children with you as you'd let me." He said while I leaned over and gave him a quick peck.

"I love you too. So much. " I said without even having to think about it.

That's it ! Is it a little predictable? I know it probably doesn't make sense now but I kind of need her to be pregnant again to get where I want to be going. So forgive me if this is too much too soon. But thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

Leather Jacket Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora