Chapter 10 Wish

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I didn't sleep a wink , my nightmares keeping me from enjoying the peace in my heart. My head kept tormenting me and reminding me of the danger around me and everyone else in this house , though I refused to listen to reason. I never did. My mom used to say that I wore my heart on my sleeve and almost always listened to it above my head. They called it a 'liability trait' I called it feeling my way through life.

"Last night was crazy. " I said pouring coffee for Marco and I.

"Oh ? What happend last night?" He said with a smirk and I immediately knew what was going on inside that head of his.

"You know what I'm talking about." I said slightly hitting him on the arm."you had me worried sick."

"Well , I didn't mean to. Hence why I advised you to go to bed. " He said sipping on his coffee.

"Yeah well, that's who I am. " I said trying to defend myself. " Does it usually take that long ?"

"Long? My dear Alice , that was quick. " He said before leaving with his coffee.

"What was quick ? Oh , were you two talking about -"

"Frankie!" Marco warned down the hallway as he immediately stopped what he was saying , while I couldn't help but laugh.

"So , what are you up to today ?" He asked , grabbing a bag of Cheetos.

"Me? Well, I don't really know yet. Anything Marco has planned I guess."

"You see , there's your problem right there. Why do you let him do all of the planning ?" He asked pointing at me while talking through a mouthful.

"Don't let him hear that." I said with a giggle, sipping on my coffee again.

"I'm just saying, this is your life too. Take some initiative . " 

"Excuse me ?" I said lifting my brow at him.

" I mean that in no offence bosslady but I mean, just take the lead a little. "


"Just saying. " he said putting his hands in the air surrendering and walking out , while I watched him go with my mouth open. How dare he ? Following behind Marco , I opened his office door seeing him behind his desk as I couldn't take what Frankie said to me anymore . So I did the most fearless thing I've done in a while ;

"You , me , picnic under the stars tonight." I said hovering over his desk.

"Excuse me ?" He said surprised, almost choking on his coffee.

"You heard me. It's about time I take the lead here. So , we're going to have a picnic tonight under the stars whether you like it or not." I said serious while staring him down. I watched him , not even blinking waiting for him to cave in.

"Fine. I'll be there." He said while I left before I took it all back and regretted anything, as I heard him laugh a hearty laugh  right  before I closed the door behind me.

Packing the basket and getting everything ready seemed to have been a lot more work than I had first anticipated . At this point , maybe another movie night would've sounded better.

"Ooo , sandwiches don't mind if I do." Frankie said as I swatted his hand way like a pesky fly.

"These are not for you." I said putting the plate on the other side of me.

"Oh ? So I take you've taken my advice then ?" He said getting all smirky and big headed about it.

"Shut up." I said while he just laughed , taking a seat infront of me while he watched me work.

"Are you going to stare at me the whole time?" I asked annoyed while his smile only grew.

"Maybe. Maybe not. We'll see where the wind takes me." He said nonchalant while taking one of the berries from my bowl.

"Frankie !" I said even more annoyed while I grabbed everything and placed it far away from him. At this rate we might not have anything left to eat.

"You ready ?" Marco asked , appearing in the doorway.

"Just about. You might wanna grab a jacket it's kind of cold outside. " I said before even realizing how cringy I just sounded and tried my best to ignore the face everyone made.

"I , uh ... I'll just grab my leather jacket then. " He said equally as uncomfortable as I mentally face palmed myself while grabbing the basket.


"Nothing . You just sounded like someone who cared a lot more about his well being than you let us all on to think. " Frankie said before he too disappeared.

"Great. Just great."

"The foods amazing Alice , thank you. And the sky it's just... wow. " Marco said , looking up at the sky.

"Well , I'm glad you like it." I said with a smile as I lied back , looking up at the stars too. "Did you see that!?" I asked sitting up as a shooting star flew right over our heads.

"Did you make a wish ?" He asked looking at me.

"I did. Did you ?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"Wanna see if it came true?" He asked moving closer.

"I don't think that's how it's supposed to wor-" I said right before his lips touched mine. And as every inch of my being was telling me to be revolted and to push him away , my heart was begging me to stay...

"You didn't stop me ..." he said amazed pulling away as I subconsciously put my fingers to my lips that somehow felt cold and different with his touch being absent.


"You don't have to say anything Alice. " he said almost looking embarrassed while he ran his hand through his hair.

"But I want to." I said finding my voice.

"Okay , what do you wanna say-" he said right before I kissed him this time. I've thought about just telling him I really liked it when he kissed me , but decided it would be much better to have his lips on mine instead.

That's it ! I'm ending it here. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves 🐺❤

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