Chapter 27 Blood

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Despite me having a pretty 'normal' life now , Marco hasn't forgotten that he -to put it lightly - 'kidnapped' me and that no one was supposed to know about my where abouts here in Georgia. So , we didn't stay long after Dante was born - not that I minded it - infact , I was glad to be back home . And none of this - me not being able to go out- changed how I felt about Marco. I knew it was for my own safety and now for Dante's aswell , so I didn't mind it as much as I did when I first got here.

"He's beautiful Al. What did you name him ?" Dom asked hovering over the crib.

"Well , that's something Marco and I wanted to announce to you all together. So I'm afraid you'll have to keep waiting." I said laughing while he pouted , though it didn't work on me anymore.

"Fine ! But I gotta go anyway. " he said putting his phone back in his pocket walking out,  as I picked Dante up and walked downstairs to Marco's office.

"Are we still on for later ?" I asked watching him frantically look for something in his desk drawers.

"Uh, actually something came up. I'm so sorry Alice." He said still rummaging through the drawers.

"Oh, uh that's okay ." I said a little disappointed . I knew when things like this happend I couldn't exactly stop him since he was the leader after all , but that didn't change the fact that my heart yearned for him to stay...

"I'll make it up to. I promise." He said placing a kiss on my head. "Take care of him. I'll be back soon." He said doing the same with Dante before grabbing his gun from the table and running out.

I sighed knowing this was just one of those things I'd have to get used to , but atleast this time around I had Dante in my arms to keep me busy and not just me being all alone in the panic room by myself. Packing some diapers and a few bottles - not knowing how long we'd be in there - I made my way towards the panic room hearing the heavy door click shut behind me. Now we were stuck in here until Marco eventually let us out.

It's only been my second time in here , but that didn't change the fact that I was scared out of my mind for what Marco must be going through. My mind kept reminding me that he was tough and could take care of himself, but none of that changed the fact that I now had to worry about another human being's life aside from ours.

Feeling my restlessness Dante's cries was heard throughout the entire room -making me wonder if this thing really was sound proof like Marco had said - as I tried to sway him back and forth.

"It's okay , momma's here. And daddy will be back soon. Don't be scared." I said trying to console him while trying to ease my own mind at the same time. It was time's like this that I wished I wasn't alone - even though I knew this was for our own safety - but, it just would've been nice...

After a while of trying everything to make him calm down - even trying to feed him - I eventually gave up and started singing to him. I've lost track of time by song number 4 so who knew how long I've been at this.

"How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high , like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star , how I wonder what you are..." I ended seeing him finally let out a yawn as his eyes closed. I sighed sitting back on the bed as the lock turned making me jump up again -completely forgetting that he was asleep - as I ran into Marco's arm just like the first time.

"Hey !" I said placing a kiss to his lips.

"I told you I'd always come back for you." He said pulling back with a cheeky grin. This time around he looked worse off than the rest of the guys. He had a bunch of cuts and bruises all over his face while the rest of them looked like they had a walk in the park.

"What happend ? You look like you got the worst of them all." I said picking Dante up and walking out with him.

"Well , they always protect my life. But a good leader knows when to look out for their own too sometimes. " He said making me slightly proud of him but also mad that he would put his life in danger like that.

"Well even though I'm very proud of how heroic you were, I have to remind you that you can't just run off into sudden death like this anymore. We have a kid now." I said cleaning his wounds while he held Dante.

"I know. But running into sudden death is kinda my thing." He said with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

"I know that . And I also don't want to stop you from being you. I'm just saying that... you have to be a little more careful next time. Okay?" I said putting everything down as he leaned up and placed a kiss to my lips.

"I promise. Nothing and no one will ever stop me from coming back to you okay?" He said standing up as I linked our hands.

"Okay." I said leaning against his arm.

"Now how about we go introduce our son to everyone?" He said laughing while I couldn't help but do the same as we walked downstairs to everyone seeing them clean themselves up.

"Can we have your attention?" Marco said with authority underlying his tone while they all stopped their murmurs and focused on us. "It's our great honor to introduce our son , your future heir. " He said making me smile with anticipation as everyone waited on the big reveal.

"Long live Dante!" Marco yelled in a Lion King Simba kind of way as everyone repeated the phrase before breaking out into cheers and whistles. It made me happy to see them all so happy about our new addition. And I also knew that they would protect him with their lives just like they do for Marco and I. They might not be blood , but they were starting to become a real family to me.

That's it ! Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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