Chapter 11 Cold Blooded

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"Alice -" he said pulling back." I can't let us do this if I don't know where we stand. I don't want my heart broken again. " he said distancing us as my eyes bounced between his while I felt this pang of pain in my chest. It was like the thought of not having him , not being loved by him was breaking my heart.

"And neither do I. But something inside of me , something I can't quite explain is telling me to trust you. To ... to let you love me." I explained as a tear fell down my cheek. And I had no idea why I was even crying but I knew I just opened myself up to him , even if it wasn't my intention to.

I watched him look at me , not saying a word as he just stared at me as if looking deep into my soul. I started crying harder for no reason as his arms wrapped around me and held me close to his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast and then slowly -slowing down to a normal pace- as my breathing evened out too.

"I would never hurt you Alice. As long as I live and as long as you let me , I'll love and protect you to the best of my abilities. And that's a promise I'll never break." He said placing a kiss to the top of head as I gradually felt my sadness and brokenness subside almost like magic.

I didn't need to say a word and neither did he. We said all we had to say and no amount of words could explain what we were feeling at this moment.

I woke up to the rain falling softly outside as I just realized that I must've dozen off last night , since having no memory of coming to bed. Looking over I see Marco sleeping on the couch next to the window as I draped a blanket over my shoulders walking over to him. Taking another blanket from the closet , I let it fall over his body making him wake up with a jump.

"Shh , it's just me. It's okay. " I said as he started to calm down more. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..."

"It's fine. After last night, I couldn't just let you be alone. You needed to be protected. And the next thing I knew , I was waking up on your couch . " He said with a smile , scratching the back of his head embarrassed.

"It's fine - I mean , thank you. For last night and for staying . Thank you Marco." I said grateful sitting next to him as the cold wind from the window nipped at me making me shiver.

"You cold ?" He asked as I nod my head. "Here ," he said opening his blanket to me as I cuddled into his side while he held me warm. "Is ... is this better?"

"Much." I said with a smile , probably blushing but at this point I don't think either one of us noticed. 

"Can I ask you something?" He asked as I listened to the sound of his voice with my eyes closed.

"Of course." I answered without having to even think about it.

"Is this just a phase ? A in the moment thing for you ? Or do you actually have feelings for me ?" He asked as I opened my eyes sitting up more.


"I need to know the truth Alice. So please don't lie to me. I need to know where I stand here. " I never knew a gang leader could have so many emotions or be this fragile , but something told me that I wasn't the first person he opened his heart up to.

"Can I ask you something first then ?"

"Yeah ." He said sitting up too.

"I'm not the first person you opened up to and loved. Am I ?" I said as I watched his face fall before he composed his tough demeanor again, almost like a mask.

"You're not." Was all he said.

"So this is why this is so important to you ?" I asked as he didn't say a word, he just nod his head as I immediately got my answer.

"Look Marco ," I said stretching my hand out to him. "When you kidnapped me to be your 'wife' or the 'leader of your people ' I had so many negative feelings towards you. I thought; why would someone like that want someone like me from a normal background, a seemingly good life to be by his side ? I eventually came to the conclusion that you just needed someone weak enough that you knew you could control out of fear. But , after you left that night and I started worrying about you , I realized I had started caring about you without even realizing it. And these last couple of weeks has been amazing with you I just... I still don't have the answer I was looking for myself." I explained  looking at him.

"You mean the real reason I chose you?" He asked as it was my turn to nod my head in silence. 

"What you said was true . I did love someone before you. And I loved her very much. But she broke my heart and... made me the cold and heartless man I've become. She's the reason I'm a cold blooded killer without even blinking. Why it's so easy.  I had no soul left when she left. It was like she took ME with her. And I thought, if I found someone to see the good in me again that it would bring that light inside of me back. So when I saw you in that coffee shop , sitting so innocently reading I knew you were the one I needed to find myself. And yeah , at first you were just a means to help me find myself. But just like you said, I started developing feelings for you without even knowing it. That's why your next  answer is so important to me. "

I watched as I thought about what I wanted to say or how to answer that . No amount of words could fill the hole in his heart , so I had to choose carefully. Tread lightly.

"I'm sorry that she did that to you Marco. She obviously didn't realize what she had right infront of her. And what that is ; is a sweet , loving, caring , honourable guy that would do anything for the people he loves. Someone who makes me happy and makes me laugh so much . I'd be lying to myself if I kept denying my feelings for you. But, I think I'm inlove with a gang leader and his name is Marco." I said with a smile while the biggest smile spread across his face.

"Do you really mean that? I mean , you're not lying to me Alice are you ?"

"Boy , for someone so cute you sure are insecure. " I said with a giggle "Of course I meant it Marco. " And the next thing I knew , I was back in his arms again , my lips colliding with his at a steady rhythm while the rain fell softly outside the window behind us .

I'm going to leave you wondering my lovelies. Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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