Chapter 8 Bargain

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A monster. That's what he is and always will be. It was foolish of me to think that a gang leader  could be capable of love or any other emotion other than revenge and anger. In all of this I was the one in the wrong, thinking I could trust him with my life in the first place. And today he just proved to me what I knew all along , that he can't help himself but to hurt everyone around him. Makes me wonder why he's really been single for such a long time . How many lives he's already taken and destroyed before me .

Wiping the excess blood from my cheek , I throw as much things I could into a bag before tying the sheets - and some clothes - together and letting it fall out the window. I then made my descend down to the ground as I took off into a sprint going who knows where. Everywhere around me now seemed like woods , leading me to believe that I wasn't at the same house they took me from. Smart move on his behalf, but then again I expected nothing less from him. He knew his way around illegal activities.

"You're not going to get far Alice ! So just stop before this gets ugly !" He yelled from the house as some of his men started running towards me.

"I'm sorry but it's already ugly." I said before taking off into a sprint but not before hearing him yell at his men "whatever it takes !"  I pushed myself harder than ever before - wishing I didn't skip PE class as much as I did - while I tried to keep track of all the turns I was taking. When I rounded a corner, I hid behind a large oak tree taking a breather while I heard them run past me.

"I knew I'd find you here." I turned around at the surprise voice as I came face to face with Frankie.

"Frankie ! Please , you gotta help me. I can't go back. Please don't take me back." I pleaded. 

"You know, he's not really such a bad guy once you get to know him." He said while I gave him an 'Are you kidding me ?' look.

"He threw me with a plate. Someone who loves you doesn't do that." I said way too quick to register what I just said.

"True , but do you love him?"

"What ? Of course not ! He's a monster. Period. " I said folding my arms across my chest as he raised his brow at me. "I don't know okay ! I thought I did , but now I'm not so sure. I don't think anyone can love him ."

"I think he really likes you Alice. " he said sitting on the ground next to me.

"What gave you that idea?" I asked in disbelief while pulling on the grass.

"I can see it. You don't know him the way that I do. I met him when I was 13 and had nowhere else to go. He basically raised me and became my bestfriend. Sure he's ruthless and scary at times but NEVER in my 6 years of knowing him  , have I seen him like this."

"Like what ? Cause all I see are his moods." I scoffed while he let out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't know how to explain it to you , but I know you've changed him. In a better way. You might not see it yet but take it from someone who knows him ; I've NEVER seen him more happy." He said standing up again.

"Well if that's happy I'd hate to see -"

"Would you just please come back with me ?"

"I don't know Frankie... I know you said he's happy but I'm not. And unless some miracle happens that makes him do a full 180 , I might never be again. "

"Look at me ," he said while I stood up facing him " trust me when I say this ; he's worth it." And then I foolishly decided to follow him back to the house willingly. I might end up regretting this someday or I might not. But Heaven knows what was waiting for me back there...

When I stepped foot inside the house he was already standing there waiting while Frankie pulled him aside first. I could see Marco glancing at me every minute while they spoke to make sure I didn't run again , while I grew more nervous. When they were finally done and Frankie left the room , he gave me a goodluck tap on the shoulder as I was left alone with him .

" I think we should talk outback. " He said while I nod my head following him outside while both of us took a seat next to the pool.

"I'm sorry if I scared you Alice. It was never my intention. I'm trying to work on controlling my anger and separating my work life from my home life. But it gets hard sometimes. " he explained -not even looking at me - while I kept quiet.

"I really do like you. And it means more to me than you realise that you agreed to come back willingly.  I hope that someday you'll see that you made the right decision and that I'm worth it." He said , this time looking at me as I saw in his eyes that he meant it. "Believe me , I never want to hurt you and it kills me that I did."

"But why did you?" I asked looking up at him.

"Honestly? I don't know why. But I do know that I feel awful and regretted it the moment I did it. " he said taking my hand in his. At first I pulled away before his eyes met my scared ones and I went along with it anyway. "You make me a better version of myself. And if you'll let me , I want to prove that to you. " he said , his eyes bouncing between mine in anticipation.

"I... I'd want you to prove me wrong too." I said as a piece of joy flashed between his eyes before he pulled me into a hug. This time it wasn't weird or uncomfortable because I could tell he meant it. I just hope he'll hold up his end of the bargain.

That's it !? Any thoughts? Let me know in the comment section below. Thank you so much for reading.  Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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