Troubles in Origingz? (AU)

Start from the beginning

"Mario? What's wrong?" Bryan noticed first, alerting the other two now worried siblings. I looked at the ground as we came to a stop, not really wanting to explain myself, but to my surprise, Mitch read me like a book.

"If you're blaming yourself for our father's actions, then stop it. We can't control him, we don't control his decisions, and we certainly don't control his alcohol addiction." He added, making my brothers chuckle and I giggled lightly.

"Now, stop being such a downer and let's get to school, we'll be late for our first day now. We gotta get Mario to the nurse's office." Suddenly, I let out a little yelp of pain as Mitch picked me up in his arms and started walking. "Sorry if that just hurt, but this way is a lot quicker than you limping." He apologized before continuing to walk with Colin and Bryan following us. I snuggled my small body into Mitch's chest, falling asleep from both comfiness and exhaustion/pain.

(Mitch's POV)

As we were walking down the path, I felt the little bean in my arms go limp so I looked down only to aww at the sight before my eyes. I gently nudge Colin and Bryan, nodding my head to the adorable sight that was in my arms. They both squealed until they saw the protective glare I was giving them, that shut them up. "Shhhh, you're gonna wake him! And if you do, you know exactly what the consequence is..." Both of them made a meep sound and walked further ahead of us, making me chuckle at the younger two. We started to speed up due to us being late to school and me noticing that there were red spots appearing on Mario's orange and green long sleeve's -well- sleeves.

-~-~-~-~-Time Skip-~-~-~-~-

(Mitch's POV)

Once we were at the front gates of the school, Mario's sleeves were basically red completely so we needed to find the nurse's office fast.

"Alright, do either of you know where the reception is?" I asked the other two quickly, hoping at least one of us knew where it was, but much to our luck, both of them shook their heads as a no. Then, suddenly two students, one with dark blue hair with a yellow bandana and the other had black hair with a streak of a purple at the front, ran up to us, probably seeing Mario's condition. "Hey! What happened to him?!" The dark blue one yelled, both of them looked worried.

"He's bleeding a lot on his arms, he was thrown into a wall and kicked in the stomach. Do either of you know where the nurse's office is?!" I desperately asked, wanting to get Mario the help he needs, Colin and Bryan nodded as backup for what I said.

"Follow us! We can take you!" He offered, pointing in the direction that I would presume leads us to the nurse's office. We nodded and followed the two into the big school building, down a large corridor and to the nurse's office. The blue-headed one pushed the door open and ran in, probably getting the nurse, while the purple dude held the door open for the rest of us. Once we were in the room, the blue boy came up to us along with a lady who I guessed was the nurse considering her clothing.

"Oh my goodness, he looks terrible! Quickly, set him on the bed!" The nurse exclaimed quickly, ushering us towards the medical bed where I gently placed Mario. She races around the infirmary to find all the things she needs to treat Mario. When she has everything that she needs, she tries pushing us out of the room. "Wait! Why can't we stay?! That's our brother!!" Colin yells from out the door we were shoved through.

"I'm sorry, but in order to treat him, I need concentration plus no one is allowed to hang around the room anyways. School policies. Come back after your first class and you can visit him." She apologises sadly before walking back in and closing the door afterwards, My brothers and I just stand outside the door, not really knowing what to do but worry about our other brother. Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see the blue dude from before, looking at us sadly. "I know you may be worried about your brother, but that's the best nurse in the school. She'll make sure your brother is perfectly fine." He reassured us, lifting his hand and a bit of worry off our shoulders.

"Thanks. By the way, the name's Mitch and these are my other two brothers." I gestured to the other numbskulls behind me, who waved in response.

"I'm Bryan!"

"And my name's Colin!"

"Well, it is nice to meet you three. My name is Ritchie and the boy behind me is Michael. He's quite shy so he tends to hide behind me." Ritchie pointed towards the purple boy from before who came out to give us a shy little wave before hiding behind him again. "So, what classes have you guys got?" Then a sudden wave of realisation came over our faces when we realised that today was our first day...

"SHIT!! It's our first day here and we haven't been to the reception yet!" Bryan yelled a little panicked, making some students that were walking past look at him weirdly. I saw Michael flinch a little at the sudden shouting so I turned to my brother and glared at him lightly, silently telling him to apologise. Bryan shut his mouth when he saw my glare, looking at where I was nodding towards and apologised to Michael. "Sorry about that."

"I-It's f-fine..." Michael muttered, popping his head out from behind Ritchie, showing a small smile on his face. We happily smiled back at him, even as we turned to the taller boy.

"Can you two please show us where the reception is so we can get our schedules?" Colin asked politely, fiddling with his finger as a way of something to do in the silence. Ritchie's smile grew a bit wider, even as he nodded his head. "Sure! Just follow us and we shall lead you to the front office! We actually ran past it while coming here, so c'mon!"

Ritchie and Michael started to head back down the hall that we came from so we followed them, since they've actually been to this school and know their way around.

'Maybe this school will be better after all.... Well, definitely better than being at home and our old school...'


A/N: Here ya go, tell me if you want me to continue, we literally have an entire book planned -w-. Next oneshot is literally called 'Shnoot Shnoot Mother Shnugar' requested by the rainbow goose -_-.


-HangyWulf UwU

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