"Do They Know it's Christmas?"

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A/N: And here is the angsty christmas special I said that I would be writing~ :3. It's about a certain pair of twins~ and le ships are...Obviously Ritchie x Devin uwu annnnd... two certain oneshot books I've been reading has made me ship two different ships for Brandon TwT. I couldn't think of which one to write, so I decided to do an extreme crack-ship! I just combined the two ships so~ It's now... You'll see xD. Don't like it? I don't care! UwU. I never said you had to read it~ ;). Anyways, that's enough author's notes for this christmas, enjoy your 2020 christmas special!

P.S The song above is for something later on in the story~ So play it when it starts :3


T'wis a calm snowy day in the city of Atlantide. Plenty of shopping had begun months before to prepare everyone for the upcoming holiday, which was one of the biggest holidays in the world; Christmas! 

The guildmates of the Protectors were all decorating and baking for their Christmas party that was being held the following day. Jakey and Kay were busy in the bakery, baking the gingerbread goodies for the swarms of customers that had flooded in the store to buy gifts for the winter holidays. Bryan, Nix and Lo Pho were placing lights, tinsel and baubles around the guildhall as well as setting up the table for the feast. Others were setting up small trees as well as the bigger tree near the front of the stone building, making sure to add the Protectors' colours and logo.

La Carnival were also festifying their own 'home', colouring the furniture in the classic colours of red and green. Davis had the small fire child helping out with the small decorations while Jazz handled the tinsel, Basil, Cecil and Juno helped around with getting the food ready, and Yamitsu helped with getting the taller decorations around outside. Flurry decided that she would help wherever she was needed because she had to check on everyone else at the same time.

Even Grimshade was decorating and getting ready for Christmas! Colin and Seek were wrapping up the gifts they had for everyone, Jericho had the sneaky idea of placing a mistletoe in every possible secret place he could think of, Marshie was deciding on a small present that she could give to Kit, kind of as a way of saying sorry for what she said at the GMG. Allumos had the unfortunate job of helping Mitch decorate the outside of the guildhall, meaning he had to readjust everything because Mitch could barely see since Jasper is taking a quick break. The celestial dragon slayer decided to say "F*ck it" and quietly left the other dragon slayer to fend for himself while he went to Divinus Magia, wanting to visit his boyfriends before Christmas.

Speaking of Divinus Magia...

They were in the middle of finishing up with the decorations, and it would be quicker considering that it has the most guild members, meaning more help. Mania decided to help Mario with the decorations on the outside entrance to the main building, wanting it to be like a small Christmas date before Mania had to return back to the Protectors for the party. Faun, Selene, Tiffy and Lara were all instructed to decorate the main guildhall. The slushie bois + Blake finished up with the role of decorating the gardens, a.k.a Lake had to watch because David wouldn't let them touch it. Devin was in his house, trying to think of a good present for his boyfriend Ritchie. Surprisingly, Ritchie wasn't even in-charge of the decorations, neither was Brandon.

In fact, it was Ms P who told everyone where to go... because she's the only one who knows about the twin's history with this specific holiday...

Both of the twin guild leaders were on their way to their respective boyfriend's homes, needing a little comfort for this time of year. Let's just say... something tragic happened when they were around 7 and, neither of them can live past it. It happened on Christmas eve, 4 minutes to midnight they discovered the news and saw the bodies. 

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