10th Day of Oneshots

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A/N: Luna_Sunblood, thank you for your contribution to this book! I had to literally search for an FTO suggestion XD I went through every comment and this is the first one I saw. Hope you enjoy!!


The dragon brothers decided to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve because they all would be spending Christmas Day with their guilds.

They even decorated their cave in lots of decorations like lights hanging from the ceiling, a tree was in the corner, and tinsel was around each of their seats.

Mario had dark green, Colin had orange, Bryan had bright red while Mitch had a light purple.

Each of the guilds were decorating their guildhalls that afternoon but each dragon brother had to make up an excuse to get away.

Mitch said he wasn't much of a fan with Christmas. Michael understood that.

Colin said he was getting a present for Lily and Seekah. (A/N: Only, ONLY for this story, Lily is his sister and Seek is his crush)

Bryan was getting some things from the markets.

Mario had been searching the entire day for 4 specific gems for his brothers. When he realised he was late to meeting them, he finally found them and ran for the boat to their little island.

Mitch and Colin were the first to arrive at the cave as they sat in their respective seats waiting for the other two.

"Hello, Brothers!!" Bryan said excitingly as he ran in the room with 3 presents in his hand.

"Hey Bryan"

He walked over to the tree and saw that Mitch and Colin had already placed their presents underneath. Afterwards, he walked over to his seat besides Colin and talked with the others while waiting for Mario to arrive.

15 mins later...

"Mario's late. What do you think happened?" Bryan looked over at the other two worriedly. Mitch and Colin had the same worried face as Bryan.

"Dunno, he's normally the first one here." Mitchi said with equal worry.

"Maybe he's being held up by Brandon and Ritchie?" Colin suggested, but unsure.

Bryan shook his head, "Brandon and Ritchie think he doesn't like Christmas so they don't make him decorate."

This just made Colin and Mitch more worried at what could keep their brother from coming.


"Hey!! Sorry I'm late!" Mario ran into the cave with dirt all over himself and a bag in his hand.

"Mario! Where have you been?!" Bryan yelled while running over and standing in front of his brother.

"Getting your presents." He smirked as he put the bag under the tree.

All of them were confused. Why would he be getting their presents... while covered in dirt.

"Umm, did you know that you're literally covered in dirt?" Mitch was looking at him up and down.

Mario looked down and was shocked to see that he was indeed covered in dirt. "Oh, I never realised. I may have been digging longer than I expected," he chuckled to himself.

"Well, you're not sitting down in those. Go to the ocean and clean yourself before you sit down." Mitch scolded like a parent telling their child to wash their hands before eating.

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