After Chapter: Presents (Marijae Christmas 1)

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Youngjae held Maria’s hand in his, staring out the taxi window at the street as they drove through Seoul. He’d planned on bringing her to lunch, where he would give her her Christmas present early. He’d saved up for months to get it for her, and he wanted her to wear it to Cora’s party the day after.


He turned to look at her, and found her staring out the window at the city lights, a small smile on her face as she stared at the Christmas lights and trees that were visible in various spots. He smiled. She was perfect.


The taxi stopped and Youngjae hurriedly paid and got out, hurrying around the car to open the door for Maria. “Thanks, babe.” She said, kissing him quickly before stepping onto the sidewalk


The taxi sped away and Youngjae turned to Maria, his heart skipping a beat. She was wearing a charcoal gray pea coat that reached just above her knees, with a white knit hat and skin tight blue jeans. She wore a pair of brown ankle boot heels, and a pair of white mittens. Her cheeks were a rosy red from the piercing cold, and her eyes were bright. He couldn’t ever get used to her beauty, and it made the butterflies in his stomach sting.


“So, where are we going?” She asked, smiling.


Youngjae reached for her hand again and led her a short way down the sidewalk. “We’re going to dinner.” He said softly, looking down at his feet as he walked. “There was a restaurant you pointed to the last time we were out, and I wanted to try it. With you, of course.” He said, smiling nervously.


Maria turned towards him and laughed. “You planned this?”


His smile dropped. “Yes,” He said, nodding his head. “Should I not-”


She shook her head and walked into his arms. “No! Of course you should have! I love that you put thought into it.” She said happily, turning and tugging him down the street, as if she already knew the way.


They stopped at a small store and Youngjae opened the door for her. He told the woman at the front podium his name and she showed him to their reserved table. They were handed menus, but Youngjae already knew what he was getting. He opened the menu and pretended to look anyways, stealing glances at Maria as he did so.


Her eyes widened as she looked at the menu. “Oppa,” She whispered, leaning forward and narrowing her eyes. “It’s all dessert foods.”


Youngjae leaned forward. “I know,” He whispered back. “It’s a dessert bar.”


“Oh!” She said, sitting back and blinking a few times before continuing through the menu.


The waitress returned not long after, taking their menus and their orders. Youngjae ordered a slice of the chocolate cake, and Maria ordered a slice of the chocolate peppermint cheesecake. She promised to share so long as Youngjae did, which made him laugh.


After talking and eating for a few hours, Youngjae cleared his throat. “So,” He said, shifting awkwardly, and Maria raised an eyebrow. “I actually had a reason to bring you here tonight.”


“Oh?” She asked, and then her eyes widened. “Oh! Oh, no,” She said, sighing, her eyes looking worried.


Youngjae shook his head. “It’s nothing bad, I swear,” He said, reaching towards his jacket as she sighed a breath of relief. “I actually wanted to give you your Christmas present tonight.” He said, pulling a small box from his jacket pocket and passing it to her.


She stared at it for a long moment before pushing the lid off. Inside was a small diamond in the center of a silver strand. Her jaw dropped immediately, and Youngjae moved to his feet. “You see,” He said, taking the box and pulling the necklace from it. “I wanted to give it to you tonight so you could wear it to the party tomorrow night.”


The second he clasped the necklace, she moved out of her seat and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. “You’re perfect.” She murmured, hugging him tightly.

They’d been dating for months, and she still made his heart race. Even now, he was blushing terribly.

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