28: Reaction

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Cora stood on the enormous stage, saxophone in hand, reed between her lips and a stand of music in front of her, but she didn’t need it. She had the music memorized. Her body swayed as she played, and she closed her eyes, losing herself in the music. Somewhere in the audience Professor Kim was sitting, but the lights flashed in Cora’s eyes and she couldn’t spot him. She didn’t bother anyways. The music was slow, but loud and heartfelt.


When she finished, she could hear Professor Kim clapping. “Amazing as always, Ms. Matthews. A little sharp on that last note, but it adds flare doesn’t it?” Cora could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice and didn’t bother hiding the frown. “Wonderful. I’ll put a hundred into the grade book for your saxophone test, but don’t forget you still have-”


“I know, Professor Kim. You don’t actually expect me to forget, do you?” She asked, smiling and moving to collect her music.


Professor Kim laughed. “Have a nice night, Ms. Matthews. And good luck at your interview tomorrow morning. I’ll be watching. And I’m sure your dance instructor will be too.” Cora nodded and watched as a figure stood from the very back seat in the audience and moved to the door. With her professor gone, Cora pulled out her phone and checked her messages. None from MinHee. One from Jinwoo. 911 M&M. She hadn’t seen a text like that since high school. Nervously, she opened her voicemail box, where Jinwoo had left a message. Hey Cora. I know you’re in your Jazz class right now, but some stuff went down with MinHee and Minwoo. I guess my brother decided to corner her and guilt her into dating him again. She slapped him. I knocked some sense into him. Nothing is left to be done, but I think MinHee needs someone to talk to. The message ended and Cora could feel her anger bubbling up in her chest.


Annoyed because she’d no ride, and they weren’t at the KNUA hall anymore so she couldn’t walk to work, Cora dialed a number she was hoping she’d never have to use for a MinHee emergency again. The phone rang four times. “Cora?”


“Yeah, hi.” She sighed. “Look, I know how annoyed you were last time, but something happened with Minnie, and I’m stuck at this hall in Seongbuk-gu. I don’t have a ride. Would you mind coming and getting me? I’ll pay you. And buy you dinner. And be eternally grateful.” Cora could hear him chuckling on the other line. “Mark, please!’


He laughed again. “Of course, I have no clue why you offered all that for a ride, but I’m down. I’ll be there in a few minutes. We’re close by anyways. Another photoshoot, you know how it goes.” Cora nodded, as if he could see it. “See you soon.” He hung up and Cora sighed, sliding her phone into her pocket and running a hand through her hair, which haloed around her in curls. This was going to be a long day.

Cora was in the middle of a rather difficult saxophone piece when the doors to the auditorium opened and in strode a thin figure. The figure stopped only a few feet into the room, listening as Cora played. She was swaying again. More than swaying, she was practically dancing, leaning back and really feeling it when she hit the long notes and shaking her head to the beat she was making on the shorter notes. She was sure she looked like a dork, but the saxophone had always been one of her favorite brass instruments. It didn’t hold a candle to the cello, though.


She stopped playing and collected her music quickly. “Thanks for coming.” She called, grabbing the water bottle that sat on the floor beside the music stand. She downed the bottle and began breaking her instrument apart.

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