90: Got It

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They hadn’t been in their new apartment more than five minutes, and Cora had already shot into a list of complaints. Poor Cho Hee looked like she wasn’t sure how to handle the situation, and simply stared at the girl as she demanded millions upon millions of things.


“This is way too small for six people.” She hissed, throwing her arms around her and gesturing to the rather small apartment. It was rather cramped for the girls, but no one else was going to complain, since it wasn’t necessarily a permanent situation.


It had a kitchen, but it was only big enough to hold three people, so long as they contorted themselves right. There was a living room, but that too would be a squeeze for them all to fit it. They would be fighting to get around each other every morning. And there was only one bathroom. For six girls. All of which tended to take their time in the morning.


“And a single bedroom?” Cora was practically screaming as the threw open the door. “How in the hell do you expect me to sleep with the lawn mowing snoring monster named Ji-su over there?”




“Sorry Ji-su.” Cora sighed, shaking her head. “We’re going to kill each other before our debut. I just figure you should know this much.”


Cho Hee nodded. “I’m so sorry Cora, but this is the best we could do at such short notice. I understand your complaints, but will you be alright in here for a few weeks?” Cora’s face fell. “I mean, the boys from BTS were fine with their small apartment.”


That entirely shut Cora up. The other members were laughing in an instant. Cora moved across the room, grabbed the pillow on top of her suitcase, and walked to the corner, where she sat with her face buried in the pillow.


Cho Hee looked confused, as well as deeply concerned, and she looked to MinHee. “She’s in love with BTS. I think she forgot that Big Hit was their label as well.” Cora nodded her head, which was still buried in the pillow. “It’ll take her a little while to get over that.”


Cho Hee made a face. “Oh alright, I suppose.” She said awkwardly. “I’ll just leave you girls to move in, then. You have the rest of the night to yourselves. I’ll return in the morning, bright and early to bring you to the practice room.”


Mikki smiled. “Thanks.” With that, Cho Hee was off, and the girls slowly started to move their things towards the room.

Cora kicked the door to the bedroom opened and glowered inside at Maria, who was sprawled across the top of their bunk bed with her phone pressed to her ear. Cora was glaring angrily at her.


Maria stared at her with her jaw hanging opened, confused. “Youngjae, I’ll call you back.”


“Oh! Is that why you’ve been ignoring me?” Cora hissed.


Maria smiled. “Yes. Bye Youngjae.” She hung up and turned to Cora, grinning. “Come on! You were so like that when you and Mark started dating.”

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