~~~~Important Authors Note!~~~~

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Hey guys!

So, it's actually kind of hard for us to say (er, type) but we're nearing the end of our series 'I Got It'. 

BEFORE YOU STOP READING!!! It's important for you to know that we're only nearing the end of our continuing story line. The last chapter will tie up most loose ends, will definitely be dramatic, and will be the end of MinHee and Cora's college years, since they will get a degree and move on to bigger and better things. 

THAT BEING SAID! We will be regularly uploading chapters for certain things i.e holidays, character birthdays, and even just to throw some drama into that world. This is not the end of Cora and MinHee, it's just the end of their college adventure. And who knows, maybe there'll be a second series about the girls. ;)

It is also important for readers to know that we will be starting a new series, with new characters and a different plot line. I didn't really speak to my co writer about announcing this, or even telling everyone there was going to be an end to this series, but it needed to be said. If you like the way we write, if you like our creativity and want to stick around, we're writing another series. If you hate our guts and wish we'd die because our series sucks, WE'RE WRITING ANOTHER ON IN YO FACE! :P 

We sincerely hope that you're enjoying the series thus far, and that you'll take a look at our new series. There are probably a solid twelve more chapters in this series. We might be able to shove it a little further, since god knows we're attached to these characters now. 

Anyways, happy reading, and please please PLEASE comment below and tell us how you're feeling about the story so far!. 

XX - Midnight Captures/Shadow Penman

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