After Chapter: White Christmas (Jeina Christmas)

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Reina sat on the couch in her shared dorm, staring at the TV screen, and at JB’s adorable attempt of creating a romantic holiday scene. On the television, he had found a “Fireplace” video, that ran on loop, making crackling wood noises and emitting no heat whatsoever. She was wearing a purple and white sweater, which had the typical ugly christmas sweater patterns, paired with a pair of light blue jeans, and a pair of brown boots that had fur on either sides of the ankles. In her hands was a mug of hot chocolate that JB had made for her, which was relatively large, and on the table in front of her was a small christmas trees. Beside the tree was a variety of tiny ornaments and tinsel.


JB sat on the floor a few feet away, plugging in the lights they were going to put on the tree to make sure they worked. His brows were pulled down over his eyes in frustration, and he kept pushing a hand through the side of his black hair and grabbing a hold of the hairs he’d captured as he stared down at the tangled, non working lights.


Reina shook her head and put the hot chocolate on the coffee table, moving to her feet and walking to his side. He was still fussing over the lights when she knelt down and took his hand, pulling it away from the tangle of lights. He looked up at her, surprise filling his expression, but he followed her lead as she stood, pulling him with her. “Come sit down with me.” She said, twining her fingers with his and leading him towards the couch.


As she sat down and he moved past her to sit on her other side, she flicked on the radio he’d brought, filling the apartment with light christmas music. JB sat down on her right, his dark eyes flitting back to the lights. Reina shook her head. “Uh-uh. Enough with the lights. The tree doesn’t even need them.” She said, gesturing to the tree, which already had a few lights in it’s pine needles. “They were just extra.”


JB shrugged and sighed. “Yeah, but I wanted it to be perfect.”


“It is perfect. All it needs is a little love,” She said, taking one of the glittering silver ornaments and placing it on one of the branches. “We don’t need lights to make it perfect. All that does is draw attention towards it.” She reached to place another ornament. “Why do you want it to be perfect anyways? It’s just a tree.”


JB’s fingers wrapped around Reina’s stopping her from putting the ornament on the tree. She turned and looked at him, caught off guard by his sudden action. “Because,” He said, taking the ornament from her hand and placing it on the table. “It’s our first Christmas together,” He said, leaning down and kissing the base of her wrist and palm. “And I want everything to be just right.”


“If it’s just right, then it’s staged,” She said, taking her hand from him and turning to face him. “If it’s staged, then we tried to hard. I think we should just be genuine. Go with the flow, do what we want with it, not what’s expected. Frankly,” She said, looking at the tree. “I think it needs more color.” The tinsel and ornaments were silver and gold, and the tree lights were white. Very bland. “Just because we’re adults doesn’t mean everything needs to be so adult.” She said, smiling.


JB shrugged. “It could.”


She laughed and leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. “Sure JB, it could.”

Hours later, JB and Reina lay on the couch, JB with his back on the cushions and Reina lying on her stomach on top of him. Her head rested against his chest, and his arms were wrapped around her. Christmas music still played softly in the background. Reina was quietly singing along, and JB had an unmistakable smile on his face.


“Have you finished your christmas shopping?” Reina asked, looking up at JB.


He shrugged. “Sort of?” He said, smiling. “I mean, I’ve gotten the important people. You, of course, MinHee, my parents, the guys, Passion. But I still need to get a few things for our managers.”


Reina nodded. “I got your gift already too.” She sat up, straddling him. “Want it now?” She asked, leaping off the couch and onto her feet.


“No!” JB said, shaking his head. “I want it on Christmas. That’s why it’s called a Christmas present, Reina.”


She smiled and opened her mouth to speak when the door to her apartment opened. JB sat up, looking over the arm of the couch. Reina offered a smile to Cora, who was pushing a million different bags into the room, Mark tailing behind her. “Hey!”


“Sorry I surprised you,” She said, setting the bags down. “I couldn’t go to our dorm. Maria was there, and I have her presents in here.”


Reina shrugged. “It’s not a problem. Are you going to wrap the presents here?”


Cora looked at the couch, noticing JB. “No,” She answered. “I’ll bring them over to Mikki and Ji-su’s place.”


“No, don’t worry about it. We were looking for something to do anyways. We can help you wrap.” Reina said, smiling and taking some of the bags from her friend.


JB sat up. “Mark,” He said, moving to his feet. “I didn’t think you’d be around here today. What’s going on?”


Mark shrugged. “Not much, just helping Cora.” JB smirked and Mark shook his head, moving towards the table, where the girls were dropping their things and tugging all the gifts out of the bags. “We already dropped your presents off to Cora’s dorm, so don’t worry about finding them Reina.”


Reina pouted. “Fine.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

JB stood behind her, winding his arms around Reina’s waist. “Let’s get started on those gifts, then.” He said, kissing her cheek.


The rest of the night passed like this, with the four wrapping presents, all crowded around the small, two person table. Since there were only two chairs, Reina sat on JB’s lap, and Cora stood, telling Mark that she’d rather stand, as she was feeling to high strung to be sitting. Reina brought out her presents that she hadn’t wrapped yet, and those were done as well.


“This is nice,” Reina said, smiling as she flattened a piece of tape on the present. She knew it wasn’t what JB had had in mind, but she loved it. And she knew he loved just being there, being happy and being with her.


Cora, who was smiling happily just moments before, stopped smiling and looked to the window. “It’s snowing,”


In a rush, the four hurried to the window. It had already snowed a few times, but it hadn’t stuck to the ground, forming the white dunes that everyone was hoping for. But when they looked out the window now, white piles of flakes were beginning to form.

“It’s going to be a white christmas.” JB said, kissing the side of Reina’s neck.

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