After Chapter: Show's Over

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“Are you going to be okay?” Rap Monster asked, squatting down beside Cora, who sat on the ground with her back against a wall and her head thrown back. In her hands she held a water bottle and a bag of granola, which she couldn’t even stomach eating. Her hands were shaking, and she felt like vomiting. “Honestly, we can have one of the actor’s step in-”


Cora shook her head. “Namjoon, I’m fine, I swear. I just need a minute to breathe.” She said, twisting the top off her water bottle and taking a small sip. She’d overworked herself. A lot. All the flips, all the cartwheels and splits, acrobatic tricks and running around was getting to her. It shouldn’t have, because she’d been in the best physical shape she’d ever been in, but it was.


Rap Monster sighed. “You need to take it easy. Everyone’s already made it through your room, and my room. I don’t think anyone will be coming through the shared room, so just stay here and relax, okay? I’ll have a driver pull around and we’ll get you home.”


“I have to stay to help clean up.”


“No,” J-Hope declared, crouching on her other side. “You don’t. We’ve got it, okay? Besides, we have off tomorrow, since our manager and choreographer aren’t feeling too well, so we won’t be working, like you will. You need to go home and sleep, while you still have the time to.”


Cora bit her lip and shook her head. “I don’t want to go home.”


“Why?” J-Hope asked, pushing a strand of Cora’s escaped hair behind her ear. “Is something wrong?”


Cora shook her head. “I just don’t want to be there.” In truth, it was because Cora knew who was going to be there when she arrived. Since Passion didn’t have work until much later in the day, Youngjae would be lounging with Maria, and Jackson would be keeping MinHee company. Reina and JB would be snuggled up, and Yuna had stopped by to see Mikki, meaning she and Yugyeom, who had in fact stayed together, would be there. They’d been at the party, but Cora only saw them for  a moment. Yuna was, of course, a slutty cop and Yugyeom was a prisoner. It was cute, for a short period of time. In truth, Cora didn’t want to be surrounded by couples when she still wasn’t over the fact that she wasn’t in a relationship. “I think I’ll just crash here tonight.”




“It is my house.” She said, starting to move to her feet, but J-Hope shook his head and moved her to sit back down. “I mean, I have spare rooms upstairs if you guys want to stay too, that way you don’t have to drive home so late.”


J-Hope stood. “We need to go start taking this apart. Come on Rap Monster. Cora, you stay right there.” Cora frowned as the two stood and made their way towards the haunted house.


A few of the actor’s Cora’s mom had hired were mingling around, dancing to the music that could be heard through the house, or laughing about the night, while Cora sat in a ball in the corner, pitying herself. “God, I’m pathetic,” She murmured, lifting the bottle of water to her lips again.

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