09: Moving

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“This is amazing.” MinHee signed, standing in the living room of the apartment, which was the central part of the space. The two had already picked their rooms from the two they’d been shown, but the realtor was leading them towards the third room. “I don’t even care about how far we are from work, I want this house.”


Cora was beaming with the possibility of the new house. “I’m with you, Minnie. This is amazing.”


“And this,” Began the realtor as he pushed open the final door. “Is the final bedroom.” It was massive, with floor to ceiling windows on the left side of the room and a door on the far right side, which lead to the bathroom. The lighting in the room was magnificent.


The girls turned to each other and signed, at the same time. “Dance Studio.” Smiling, they knew they’d made their decision. “We’ll take it.” Cora announced, reaching her hand out for her friend’s as they moved into their new studio.

Cora sat on the barstool that they’d moved into the kitchen. On her lap was a box half full of glasses. She was in the midst of wrapping another glass when MinHee ran in and stopped her. Her friend signed that they were never going to get out of the house before Cora had to get to work the day after, and MinHee didn’t think she could move everything on her own. “Calm down.” Cora smiled, dropping the wrapped glass into the box and moving the box off her lap to the counter. “We’ll move the big stuff today, like the beds and our instruments, the couch, TV’s, and coffee table, and if we have time we can grab everything else.


“It’s pointless to wrap those.” MinHee pointed out, pointing to the box. “I mean, we’re just moving a few blocks over.”


Cora frowned. “I don’t want to risk having to buy new ones.” MinHee laughed at this and moved to close the box, using the packing tape that was placed on the counter beside the sink. They’d rented a UHaul truck and had been shifting boxes down into the garage all morning. The landlord had driven the truck around back and into the small parking garage so the girls could move without a huge crowd. Cora was glad, since the crowds seemed to be increasing in size. “Anyways, I called your brother-”


Before Cora could finish, MinHee spun around and angrily signed “What did you do that for?”


Cora sighed. “Minnie, I think it’s a good idea, since you’re so sure we won’t be fully moved in by the end of the day. Besides, your brother has been really worried about you lately, and shutting him out isn’t going to help.” Before MinHee could argue, Cora’s cell phone rang, playing a loud version of a BTS song. Cora grinned at MinHee, who rolled her eyes, and answered the phone. “Hello?” She asked sweetly.


“I think I have the wrong number.” Jackson mumbled. “What happened to the punk that stomped out our fans, huh?”


Cora rolled her eyes and smiled. “Are you guys here?”


“Nope, I was just calling to make sure you’re still breathing. Are you?” Cora fake laughed and Jackson shouted to one of the boys. “We’ll be up in a minute.”


Cora hung up the phone and turned to MinHee. “Do you want to move into the new apartment or move out of this one?” She asked, and MinHee shrugged. “You’re no help.” Cora grabbed the box from the counter and moved it to beside the door, where the other boxes were. She opened the door and dragged a box in front of it, so it would stay open. “Do you want to start dragging the instruments out of your room so we can load them first?” MinHee nodded, and the two girls each went their separate ways to their rooms.

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