10: Ginger

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Cora’s limp was getting worse. Chasing after the non existent trail of Ginger the cat had proved to be absolutely pointless. The cat was long gone, but Cora just couldn’t find the heart to give up yet. That cat was her life, her baby, the only thing she’d ever cared more about than that cat was MinHee, and she loved the cat just as much.


“Cora, please wait!” Mark called after her. She didn’t stop. She’d yet to look him in the face. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t his fault, what mattered was he was the last one to see the cat, and he wasn’t even important to Ginger. It sounded silly, but Ginger was part of the family. And it was killing Cora that she’d no clue where the cat was. “Cora, please!”


She stopped and spun around, her hands balled at her sides. “What do you want Mark? Haven’t you done enough!” He’d been running after her, which was impressive since she couldn’t get far with her limp, and had come to a short stop, staring at her. She’d never called him by his name. The fact that she had now, and just so happened to be beyond angry at him, would be an understandable shock.

“Cora, please, I didn’t think she was going to attack me-”


“Stop. Just stop. I can’t deal with the cat and you right now.” She said, turning and continuing down the street. The neon signs of the street shined down on them as Mark leapt forward and grabbed Cora’s arm. “I said stop!” She screamed, ripping her arm from his grip. “Just leave me alone!”


Mark was silent. A crowd was beginning to form on the street, surrounding Mark and Cora, who were now a good five feet away from each other. The crowd was silent for a moment before the shouts started. You heard her! Leave her alone! One shouted. She’s playing hard to get, comfort her! And that was when the camera’s started to appear. Street videos would flood the internet, and Cora couldn’t deal with that at the moment.


She turned and stared at Mark, who stood silently, his chest rising and falling angrily. A small red line marred the right side of his jaw, stretching almost to his ear. It wasn’t the only mark Ginger left, but it was the only one visible in the light. “Go back to the apartment and help the others.” She whispered before turning. “Don’t you dare follow me.” She said before limping off down the street.


The New Apartment


“I can’t believe you live here now!” She gushed as MinHee closed the door behind her. “This is so cool! I live just down the hall, in room 802.”


MinHee smiled, not entirely forgetting about the Ginger issue at hand, but led her friend into the apartment. “Sorry about the mess. Still moving in.”


“Of course not!” She laughed before lifting her hands. “Who’s the guy?” She asked in sign language.

“Worker. He’s helping us move.” MinHee signed before grabbing her phone and writing a text to Jackson to head out and help the others. He gave her an odd look when she handed him the phone. She nodded towards the door and he sighed, typing something on her phone and handing it back to her. “Would you like something to drink?” She asked Reina, who shook her head.


“No, I’m fine.” She replied, walking farther into the apartment. “Wow, this is huge compared to my space. My mom and brother live with me though, so there’s more furniture and all.” She smiled at her friend. “So how’s Cora’s ankle?”

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