85: Legal Stuff

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MinHee had slept in that morning. She’d slept in late that morning. And it wasn’t Ginger who woke her, like she typically did at five in the morning for food. No, MinHee was woken at nearly eleven by a very excited Cora, who ran into the room, leapt onto her friend, and began shaking her shoulders viciously.


“Wake up! I have legal crap I need to talk to you about.” She shouted, tapping MinHee’s nose after viciously shaking her back and forth.


MinHee groaned and pushed her friend away from her. “What could you possibly want this early in the morning?” She asked, yawning.


Cora moved off MinHee, sitting beside her and opening a file on the bed. She took a bite of the random muffin in her hand and, as she chewed, spoke to MinHee. “So my mom got us a lawyer, who she is paying for bleh, but hey free lawyer.” She swallowed. “Said lawyer was that the performance and signal handedly found all the representatives for each of the record labels and gave them his number. He called me this morning to tell me that he would like to set up a meeting this Wednesday with each of the labels so we can discuss our terms and conditions or whatever.”


MinHee sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What?”


Cora sighed. “My mom-”


“No no, I got that. So they really want to sign us then?”


Cora nodded. “They’ve been calling the lawyer nonstop. I guess it’s a race to see who can offer the best contract. The lawyer said that we need to make a list of things that need to be included in our contract, grill the label representatives to see who will be most likely to cave on our wants and demands and gives us a contract closest to what we ask for.”


MinHee was too tired to be shocked. “Wow. So we should probably call the others and ask them to join us here so we can talk about it.”


“Over lunch? I can order out.” MinHee nodded and Cora sighed. “This guy’s really efficient. Park Jin Sang, lawyer extraordinaire.” She joked, using a fake voice as she spoke. “Man, I can’t believe this is really happening.”

MinHee nodded. “Do you remember when we were in high school? Everything was always “When we’re famous”, or “When we make it big”. And now we are.”


“Remember when we were convinced that we were going to run a dance recreation studio, for kids from bad areas?” She sighed. “Maybe one day.”


MinHee nodded. “Yeah, maybe one day. Have you heard from any of the boys?”


Cora smirked. “Which one?” MinHee rolled her eyes. “I called Mark this morning. They’re not going to be able to hang out for a bit, since their album debut is this coming week. Your brother and I talked for a bit and he said that he would call you when he gets the chance. He really wants to talk to you.” MinHee nodded, swallowing. She knew what that conversation was going to be about. Jackson. “And Jackson wanted to make sure you were feeling well.” She winked.

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