50: Stop Girl

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Cora stood in front of her full length mirror and sighed. Did she look the part? Why was she worrying? It was like MinHee said; the kids had to like her. She sighed again. She’d never been good with kids. Nick said they were easy going, but she wasn’t sure. She’d put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a colorful tribal print shirt with a jean jacket, and dusty yellow all stars. She’d done her blonde hair in a high ponytail. Did it look like a sisterly outfit?

She frowned. “Why is this difficult?”

Mark moved off her bed and came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and kissing her cheek. She reached up and held onto his arms, closing her eyes as he put his head on her shoulder. “You look fine, you’ll do fine, and they’ll love you. Stop giving yourself such a hard time.” He murmured, swaying her slightly.

She turned in his arms and kissed his nose. “We need to go now.” She said, breaking from his grips. He nodded and she moved to open the door. The two walked out into the living room, which had been cleaned from their movie night stunt. MinHee hadn’t been in sight since the second her brother walked out the front door that morning. Cora hadn’t questioned it, but was beginning to grow curious. “Let’s go.” She sang in a nervous way, hurrying to the door and out towards the elevator.

When they got out of the building, Cora began counting her steps, staring down at her feet. Mark had taken her hand, and asked had asked her what was wrong, but she shrugged and continued to count. She counted the seconds spent in the subway all the way to the mall, and then how many steps it took to get out of the subway and to the indoor amusement park, she and Nick were bringing Tabitha and Jackson to. Her hands were shaking.

“Calm down.” Mark whispered, taking both of her hands in his and pulling her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight. “You’re going to do fine. And if anything gets shaky, call me and I’ll… I don’t know, distract them and we can make a getaway.” Cora laughed and shook her head, hugging him back. “Oh, here comes Nick.” He pulled away from her and planted a quick kiss on her forehead. “Call me if you need anything, okay?” He asked turning and hurrying away, before Nick and the kids could get to Cora.

Nick held the young girl’s hand, but the boy was racing around the two, shouting and smiling. Nick rolled his eyes and called for the little boy, Jackson, to stop being foolish. The little girl already had her eyes fixed on Cora. Her thumb was shoved in her mouth, and her brilliant blue eyes stared up at her. Nick came to a stop in front of her. “Hey Cora,” he said brightly as he shot forward to grab Jackson’s arm. He tore the small boy to his side.

Cora stared at the kids in absolute shock. All in all, her siblings were beautiful, Nick included. Nick stood at least six feet tall, and his hair, though dyed, played off his face well. His hazel eyes were doubtedly inherited from his mother, but from the lineage of their father. That day, his hair was ruffled stylishly, and he wore a white v neck tee shirt with a pair of beige pants with lines of black and white in an almost plaid sort of pattern, which he’d paired with white Doc Martens and a belt with a large skull on it. Cora made a joking face. “Oh, didn’t know you’d dyed your hair, Zico.”

“Shut up. Besides, I always thought I looked like Kyung.” Nick laughed and wrapped an arm around Tabitha. “Okay Tabitha, this is Cora.” The little girl stared at Cora as if something were drawn on her face. Tabitha was short and thin, like most kids her age, and her brilliant blue eyes stared up at Cora. She was a little amazed the child had ended up with her father’s eyes. Her face was full of delicate features, but a sharp shape. Her black hair was done with half of it up in a braid that dropped down her back, and she wore cream colored sweater with a pair of cream colored leggings under a colorful skirt. On her feet were brown flats with a huge bow. “Tabby, this is the girl I was telling you about.” Nick said softly as he knelt beside his sister, holding her shoulders. “Would you like to introduce yourself to her?”

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