43: Found Out

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Cora trudged down the hall towards their apartment, trying her hardest to stay awake as she dragged herself towards the door. She slammed into it, twisted the knob, and when the door opened, she fell to the floor. “Cora!” Bambam and Mark shouted.


Hands wrapped around her and pulled her to her feet. Mark stood in front of her, his arms wrapped around her and trying to keep her from falling to the floor again. “Are you okay?” She barely had the strength to nod. “When is the last time you slept?” He demanded.


She sucked in a breath. “Saturday night, sunday morning.” It was Monday afternoon, and at the rate she was working, studying, practicing and running around to help others at work, it was understandable that she was exhausted.


Mark cursed under his breath and spun, dragging her legs across the floor as he raced towards what he could only imagine was her room. The door opened he carried her inside, laying her across her bed gently. Cora groaned and rolled into her pillow, thankful for the possibility of rest. “You have got to start sleeping more.” Mark sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. Cora nodded and he moved to pull the blankets over her. “Do you have any more finals tomorrow?” She shook her head. “Did you at least do alright on the ones you had today?” She nodded, and he sighed as if thankful that she did alright.”Please, just sleep, okay?” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “I’ve got to go now.”


“No.” She whined quietly, limply tugging at his hand. “Stay with me.” She whispered.


Mark hesitated. “I wish I could, Cora, but MinHee is here, and I have rehearsal in a bit. Promise me you won’t overwork yourself again, okay?” She let out a sigh and nodded her head. “Are you going to be alright if I leave?” She nodded again. His fingers wrapped around hers for a moment. “Call me when you wake up again, okay? I don’t care what time it is.” She nodded again and he released her fingers before standing and leaving the room. She was out before he even closed the door.

Mark was quiet as he moved out of Cora’s room and closed the door. MinHee turned to Bambam and mouthed “Definitely Oppa.” Bambam laughed, and Mark’s head spun in their direction. “Bambam, we need to get going to rehearsal.”


MinHee winked at Bambam and waved as he stood to leave. He waved back and the two boys disappeared from the apartment, leaving MinHee to sit alone.


She sighed and turned just in time to see Ginger inching out of her room. She smiled and leapt off the stool, walking to collect the cat. Ginger meowed loudly in her arms and she snuggled the cat. She wondered how long the cat had been hiding in her room.


Silently, MinHee made her way to the couch and sat down, holding the cat on her lap. She still needed to finish a single paper for her finals. And then she was free from college for the summer. With a sigh, she released the cat and reached for her laptop, hoping the paper would be easier than it came across.

MinHee had just closed her laptop and gathered Ginger back onto her lap when Cora came stumbling out of her bedroom. “I figured you would sleep all day.” She signed, and Cora groaned, dragging her feet across the floor and collapsing onto the couch beside her. “So Jackson bought you a necklace, huh?”

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