34: Planning

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MinHee rolled out of her bed before she could change her mind and fall back asleep. She could already hear Cora making coffee and was determined to corner her and ask what she was going to do about the costume party. She hurried out of her room and into the kitchen.


Cora and Mark stood beside the coffee machine, talking quietly. Cora was wearing a pair of pajama shorts and a oversized white tee. Mark wore baggy practice clothes. “Oh hey! Good morning.” She said to MinHee with a smile. “How’d you sleep.”


MinHee looked at Mark and then to Cora. “Good.” She signed, making a face.


“The boys needed a space to practice off time, so I told them they could use the studio.” She said, turning to face MinHee. “How was your appointment?” She signed, and Mark took this as his cue. He turned and strode out of the kitchen. “All good, I hope.”


MinHee shrugged. “They’re going to run a few tests and get back to me.”


Cora frowned. “Okay, well I hope you don’t mind that I’m taking Mark to the costume party. I figured maybe you and Youngjae could go.” She said, turning and grabbing a mug. “You won’t believe what I’ve picked for us to go as.”


“Are the others coming?” MinHee asked before moving to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. Cora shrugged. “Were they invited?”


“No, but I figure that they’ll come if they want, and I can just tell Yoon Ri to suck it.” MinHee made a face. Cora sighed. “I talked your brother into going to Reina. It wasn’t really that much of a fight. All I had to say was she wanted him to go with her and he was all about it. And Yuna is going with Yugyeom. I didn’t want to leave the others out, so I told them to come too.”


MinHee sighed and drank some of the water. “Okay, so what are JB and Reina going as?”


“No clue. But Yuna and Yugyeom are going as a cop and a prisoner. And if you don’t hurry up and pick a date, the boys will end up going as something stupid, like the power rangers or something.” Cora began to pour herself a cup of coffee.


MinHee smiled. “Great. I have an idea.” She said, smiling brighter and turning. She hurried into the studio. All the boys were fooling around, doing flips and one handed hand stands. Bambam took off running past MinHee, and she grabbed his arm. She tugged him towards the mirrors and grabbed the EXPO maker she’d been using. She began to write across the mirror in Thai, knowing only Bambam could read it thoroughly, and then turned and waited.


Bambam smiled. “That’s cute. I’d love to go with you.”


“What?” Jackson demanded, stopping the routine he and the boys were doing. “You’re ditching us for a couples costume. Dang it Bambam!” He threw his hands in the air and tossed his head back exaggeratedly. “Now what are we going to do?”


Youngjae raised his hand. “Uh, we could always go as the three musketeers. That way you can use your fencing equipment, Jackson.” Jackson clearly liked this idea because he perked up and began the routine again.

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