46: Music Shop

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Jinwoo had called ahead and told Nick that they were going to the music store in search of a “sick” drum set. Nick had told him he had a few in mind, so Jinwoo and MinHee hurried to the store. It wasn’t too far away, thankfully, and they reached it in no time.


Jinwoo pulled the door open and made a show of bowing and gesturing to the store. “After you, my lady.” MinHee laughed and hurried inside. Jinwoo followed close behind.


Nick stood not to far away, behind the register with some form of rock music blaring around him. He bobbed his head to the beat, beating drum sticks against his knee and closing his eyes as he nodded along. He happened to look up as they moved inside, and he smiled. “Hey guys! What’s up?” He asked, moving around the counter and striding towards them.


“Just here to check out some drumsets.” Jinwoo informed.


Nick gestured towards the wall of drums. “Well if you’d just take three steps, I’ll show you what we’ve got.” He moved towards the drums, and the two followed. The first he pointed out was the pink. “I think these would be perfect for you, Jinnie.” He teased.


Jin made a face. “Oh, you’re so funny! I’m not getting the drums, dork. MinHee is.”


Nick looked surprised. “Oh! Okay. Well,” He looked around and pointed to a pair of flaming red drums. “I know they seem cliche, but you seem like a rocker kind of chick on the inside.” He turned to face them and MinHee shook her head. “Okay, uh, how about those black ones over there?”


The black ones were sparkling slightly, and shiny. They were beautiful, but they weren’t what MinHee was looking for. Directly beside them were white drums that she absolutely adored in an instant. The drums were white with black outlines, and they glistened. She started towards them, running her fingers over each part and then taking a seat behind them.


“I’ve some drumsticks you can use on them.” Nick turned and hurried to the register, returning with a set of plain drumsticks. He handed them to her and smiled. “Give it a trial run.”


MinHee nodded and adjusted everything, and herself, to her comfort. And then she started. It was slow at first, a basic beat that anyone could have played, but within seconds it was different. She played with her heart, and that made all the difference.


When she stopped, both Jinwoo and Nick looked surprised. “So, I’ll just have those wrapped up and delivered to your house.” Nick grinned, and the three started laughing. “Really, that was amazing MinHee.”


“Well, since we’re getting you sick drums, let’s get some killer drumsticks. Nick, got any of those chrome beauties you were bragging about the other day?” Jinwoo asked, and before MinHee could protest, Jinwoo had placed an order for the drums and a set of crystal drumsticks that glowed in the dark and, if set to a certain setting, changed colors.


Nick turned to MinHee and smiled. “Glad we could help you find a set. Let me go ring everything up.” He started, turning away from the two and walking towards the front of the shop. The door opened, and someone came in. “Oh, hey dad, give me a second I have to finish a transaction.”

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