88: The Apartment

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Maria and Cora sat in the food court of the mall, both with dozens of bags all from the shoe store. Maria had cast an angry glare in Cora’s direction, and Cora was grinning happily down at her frozen yogurt. “I really hate you a lot of the time.”


“Lies.” Cora said, winking at her friend. “I got you a record label, homie. You love me.”


Maria laughed. “Homies don’t let other homies blow their entire budget on shoes. And by budget, I mean food included.”


Cora shook her head. “Homies let other homies buy shoes with their entire months pay when said homie is going to get free food for the rest of her trainee time.”


“Stop saying homie, you sound like a dork.” Maria sighed. “And who’s to say that the food is free?”


“Me.” Cora declared, continuing to eat her frozen yogurt. “Look Maria, this whole trainee thing is going to be super fun. If you go in with a sour puss attitude because I tricked you into buy shoes, you’re going to be no fun ever.”


Maria laughed loudly, drawing the attention of those nearby. They couldn’t see much though, since both girls were practically buried in a fortress of shoe boxes. “You’re a jerk.” Cora nodded and continued to eat. “So how’s everything, aside from the whole I-don’t-want-to-leave-my- precious-apartment thing?”


Cora shrugged. “Fine I guess. I mean, MinHee can talk again, so I think we’ve been closer than ever. Reina and I have been hanging out a lot more, probably so she can get dirt on JB to hold over his head later.”


“But wouldn’t she get that stuff from his sister?” Maria asked, looking to her phone, which had just started to ring.


Cora shrugged. “MinHee wouldn’t ever give her dirt on her brother. You do see how close they are, right?” Maria nodded. “Are you going to answer, your phone or do you want me to do it?”


Maria shook her head. “It’s just Youngjae. I’ll have him call me back at a better time.”


Cora took that as a challenge. She leapt forward, took Maria’s phone, unlocked it with ease and answered the call. “Baby! I’ve been waiting for you to call all day! How was work, when are you coming home? Oh by the way, I secretly moved all your things into my apartment. Hope you’re okay with that.”


Youngjae was silent for a moment. “Cora seriously?”


“Damn. Neither of you are no fun.” She pouted, turning back to Maria and handing her the phone. “Tell him he sucks and has ruined my mood for the rest of the millenia.”


Maria laughed. “He can hear you. He said that’s too long for you to not pull some kind of prank on him.” Maria nodded, laughing again at whatever Youngjae had said, and Cora strained to listen in. “Alright, I’ll call you back when we leave the mall, okay?” With that, she hung up.

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