89: Moving

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Cora sat on the floor of her bedroom with her head in her hands. The rest of Passion had gone home after dinner, having to pack their things before the morning, which left MinHee and Cora to pack their things.


Cora had thought that MinHee would take the move the worst, but it was beginning to feel like it was her who was taking it the hardest. She looked up, at the suitcases she’d packed, and wiped one of the tears away from her cheek.


“You’ve got to be kidding me.” A voice said from the door, and Cora wiped at her face viciously before turning to face Mark. “Are you really crying right now?”


“Come comfort me you idiot.” She let out an awkward sob laugh, and Mark shook his head, pushing off the door’s threshold and moving towards her.


He sat on the ground beside her and pulled her against him, letting her ball her hands in his shirt and bury her face in his chest. “Why are you crying?”


“Because this sucks!”


“Packing? Or moving on in your life?” He asked, running a hand through her hair.


She sighed. “I don’t know, both? I mean, having this apartment was my freedom from my parents, and my escape with MinHee. But now we’re going to be with the others, and-”


“Are you jealous?” He asked, laughing.


“No!” She hissed, pushing away from him. “No I’m not freaking jealous. I’m just not ready for this.”


Mark shook his head and kissed her forehead. “You’ll be alright. It’s a little weird at first, but you’ll be fine.” He pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Are you selling the apartment?”


Cora shook her head. “Donating the studio to the dance classes at the recreation center.”


“Well that’s nice of you.” He laughed and Cora shook her head. “Come on, let’s finish packing your stuff.”


Mark moved to stand, but Cora pulled him back down. “No,” She said, snuggling back into him. “This is probably the last I’ll be seeing you for a month. I don’t want to waste it packing my crap. I can finish packing in the morning.”


Mark smiled and leaned his cheek against the top of her head. “Okay.”

MinHee was humming to herself, pulling the pictures of her family off the shelf over her bed to pack for when they moved into their Big Hit apartment. She turned to drop the pictures into one of her suitcases, but someone took the pictures from her hands.


JB strode across the room in a few steps and dropped the pictures into the opened suitcase on the floor. “I think this one’s full.” He said, squatting down to zip the suitcase.

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