73: Costumes

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“Ow!” Mikki screamed, swatting at Cora’s hands as she tried to pin the outfit together to fit Mikki’s waist.


Cora made a face and stabbed the needle into Mikki’s flesh, causing her to scream out again. “Don’t move then!” She hissed, crossing her arms over her chest. “If you don’t want to be stabbed, stop trying to wiggle away, okay?”


“I’m glad Maria’s doing mine.” Reina murmured to Mikki, which earned her a swift jab from Cora. “Do you think that we can wrap mine up, though? I have to be leaving soon.”


Cora grinned. “To go meet with JB? Are you guys official then?”


“Can we please not talk about my brother’s love life?” MinHee asked, and Cora laughed, nodding her head as she continued to work on Mikki’s costume, much to Mikki’s dismay. “So we need to have these outfits done before the group rehearsals this week.”


“Group rehearsals?” Ji-su asked from where she sat on the floor a few feet away. “I thought these were for our Passion dance.”


Cora spun to face her friend and made a face. “Are you kidding me, Ji-su? Yes. Yes, we’re going to wear the exact same leotards and skirts as we do for the ballet dance, you weirdo.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “We’re going to wear what we always wear for our dance. Black on black with white.”


Mikki sighed. “Don’t you think we do that a little too often?”


“What would you rather?” MinHee asked, sitting beside Maria on the floor in front of the other girls.


Mikki shrugged. “I don’t know, something colorful, and girly. Something like… Girls Generation! Like I Got A Boy, or something like that.” Cora immediately frowned. “It’s just repetitive! I mean, we wore all black and white for almost all of our performances, maybe we should shake it up.”


“We are not doing Girls Generation. I want you to know that right now. We are not every other girl group, okay?” Cora stood from where she was crouching. “What kind of group are we?”


Mikki sighed. “Hip hop.” She answered.


“And what kind of group is Girls Generation?”




“So then why would we dance like a pop group?” Cora asked, and Mikki shrugged, defeated. “I mean, I will totally be alright if we throw jeans in there-”


MinHee frowned. “What if we accent with a different color? Red? Blue? Or even green.”


“Not green.” Cora groaned.


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