12: Interview

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“It might hurt a little, since it’s broken skin, but I think for the most part, you’ll be alright.” The makeup artist declared, tilting Mark’s head to get a better look at the battle scar Ginger had left him with. “You’ve got to be more careful about these things, Mark-sshi.”


Mark tried not to roll his eyes. “It was unexpected.” He told her as she began patting his face with powders and smearing on liquid foundation.


“He did it on purpose.” Jackson declared, pulling his snapback onto his head, even though the hair stylist had just finished his hair. She saw this action and tore the hat from his head, causing him to give her a scowl.


JB stood in front of a mirror, straightening his jacket. “We’ve been over answers already, and I’m sure you all remember, but please, please, please don’t slip on MinHee’s secret.” He didn’t have to worry about the hair and makeup artists saying anything, luckily.


“And joining us after the break is the one and only GOT7.” Echoed the TV in the dressing room. All of the boys took this as their cue and gathered together, filing one after the other out of the dressing room. A camera followed them down the hall from the dressing room to backstage. Each of the boys made faces into the camera as they passed by before they came to a stop  on the side of the stage.


The producer beckoned for them to join the talk show host on stage. Each of the boys hurried on, and they directed for Youngjae, Yugyeom, and Bambam to sit, while Jr., Mark, Jackson and JB stood behind them. The host gave them a polite nod and sat in her seat. “And we’re on in five,” The producer began, and each of the boys turned towards the camera.


“Hello, and welcome back. I’m here with the band, GOT7, who has recently made a name for themselves through their album,” The crowd on the other side of the stage went wild. The boys had forgotten these shows were live, and jumped a little, smiling and waving to the crowd. “Now tell me, is it scary doing what you do?”


And so the interview went. There were a few questions about the tour, about their own individual lives and families, about their interests and how they got started in the band, and then the inevitable question was asked. “There’s been a lot of publicity surrounding two girls, and their three dancing partners. The two girls that the tabloids have been raving about in particular, MinHee and Cora, seem very close to you boys. Would you like to elaborate on the subject?”


The group was silent. “Well,” JB started. “MinHee and Cora started out as dancers and singers on YouTube, as you can tell by the recent light shined on their accounts, and we just happened across their account one day.” It wasn’t a lie, in the case of everyone aside from JB. “We were out in public one day, and just so happened to spot them.”


Jackson joined in, laughing. “The whole situation was hilarious. We ran up to them asking for pictures and autographs, and they stared at us in complete confusion. Can you imagine seven idols chasing you down a street to take a picture with you?”

“I’m sure many of the girls in this audience have.” The host smiled, and the crowd shouted, leading each of the boys to wave at the crowd. “But I think what we all really want to know if who are the involved.”

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