After Chapter: MinHee and Cora's Anniversary Part 1

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MinHee was lounging on her bed with her headphones on and her composition book in front of her when the bedroom door opened. She looked up as Cora moved into the room, carrying arms full of take out boxes and pizza, and smiled. “Happy Anniversary,” She said, pulling her headphones from her ears.


Cora smiled, sitting down on the floor and putting the bags in front of her. “Happy Anniversary.”


“I don’t get it,” Ji-su said, moving into the room with the others. Maria sat beside Cora, Ji-su and Mikki sat on Mikki’s bed, and Reina and MinHee sat across from Cora and Maria. “You have an anniversary?”


MinHee and Cora nodded. “It’s been six years to the day that we’ve been friends.” Cora declared. She was already beginning to empty out the bags and placing the boxes around her. “No one touches anything until I separate the cartons.”


Mikki made a face. “Seriously?”


“I got specifics for MinHee, since I apparently am the only one who pays attention to what she likes,” She opened the first container. “Tteokbokki,” She said, handing the carton to MinHee, who smiled and stabbed her fork into the container. Ji-su stared at the carton longingly. “Plain Bulgogi,” Another carton towards MinHee. “Kalguksu, Bibimbap, and Jjajangmyeon.”


Ji-su groaned. “Why do you always get her all the good stuff.”


Cora chucked a plastic fork in her direction. “You haven’t even seen anything else that I got.”


Reina smiled, grabbing her box of medium bulgogi. “I forgot how you two met.”


MinHee hummed. “That was actually before we became friends.”


“Way before.” Cora laughed.


Maria turned to MinHee, confused. “So you guys weren’t friends to begin with?”

It was the third month of sixth grade. MinHee had just settled into her schedule. Everything seems to fit right. She was on her way to meet Reina by her class for lunch when she turned the corner,


And slammed right into another student. Both MinHee and the victim were thrown to the ground. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” MinHee started, climbing to her feet and offering her hand to the girl she’d knocked over. “I should have-”


“Watched where you were going?” The girl asked, fixing a glare on MinHee. She slapped her hand away. “Yeah, I’d agree.” She said, climbing to her feet on her own. “Who the hell do you think you are?” She hissed. Her group of friends were snickering, towering over MinHee, who was turning beet red. “God, I knew Asians are known for their eyes, but you’re giving it a whole new name. Should I get you some specks, because you’re clearly deficient in the eye category.”


One of her friends gasped. “Little harsh, Cora.”


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