42: Coffee and Oppa

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MinHee stretched her arms over her head and sighed. The small possibility of a noise that escape her throat made her smile like crazy, and she rolled to the side, grabbing her shorts and pulling them on. Jinwoo no longer lay on the mat beside her on the floor.


MinHee made her way out of the room. When she opened the door, Zeus raced up to her and looked up at her expectantly. She patted his head and tried to make her way towards the kitchen, where she could hear things popping and sizzling. Zeus trotted beside her, his paws smack the floor hard and causing loud booms. For a massively huge dog, he was a lover.


Jinwoo stood in front of the stove, a piece of bacon dangling from his mouth as he cooked the rest of the pack. MinHee walked into the room and he turned to see her. “Morning.” He said, around his mouth full of food. “I made eggs and bacon. Are you hungry?” She nodded and he was quick to fix her a plate. He placed it on the island, which had three stools to sit on, and she sat to eat. “Do you want some juice or something?” He asked, and she shrugged. “How’d you sleep?” He asked, as he fixed her a cup of juice.


She shrugged and held up a thumb. “Good, good. I figure I’ll drive you home after you’ve finished eating.” MinHee’s stomach flopped. Home. She was going to have to face Cora today. What if she saw the scar on her neck? She’d know it was out of place and start asking questions. “The prescription came with some sort of lotion to put on your scar. I guess it’s supposed to help diminish the appearance.”


MinHee nodded and Jinwoo placed another plate across from her. “So how does it feel?” He asked, taking a bit of his eggs. MinHee watched him, confused. “To be able to make small noises again?” She smiled and he laughed. “Yep, I figured you’d be happy. That Bambam kid called twice this morning to make sure you hadn’t gone into another coughing fit.”


She smiled again and made a mental note to text him when she got back to her phone and tell him she was fine. Sitting on the counter were a few dozen flowers and a few teddy bears. Bambam and Jinwoo had brought her flowers and presents, which waited at the foot of her bed the second time she woke up. She wasn’t sure how she going to sneak those past Cora, but she figured she would find a way.


“Your cut is looking a little irritated.” Jinwoo said, pointing to his throat. MinHee dropped her fork and moved to reach for it. “No, don’t, you might pick it open.” He said, moving around the counter and tilting her head back to look at her throat. “Want me to put some of that lotion stuff on it?” She nodded and he moved around the island and back into the kitchen.


Jinwoo retrieved a bag from the counter and moved back to MinHee’s side. He fished a small circular container out of the bag and unscrewed the top. “Lean your head back.” He demanded, and MinHee looked up.


Seconds later, he was spreading a cold, thin layer of the cream on her throat. “Oh, ew.” He said, leaning forward and blowing on it. MinHee giggled and pulled away. “Stop! It’s running!” He laughed, trying to blow on the lotion again, but she pulled away. Finally, he held her still.


Minwoo’s bedroom door opened. MinHee’s eyes widened and Jinwoo’s expression stayed stone still. “Hey.” Minwoo said solemnly. “What’s going on?”

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