68: Answers

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“Coming right up.” Cora declared, tearing the piece of paper she’d written the order on from the notepad and moving towards the kitchen, her heels clicking against the hard floor. She moved into the kitchen and pinned the order in place. “Eun Kyung?” Cora called.

There was a rustling from nearby before she heard a muttered “Over here!” She followed the voice to find Eun Kyung in the back room with Minwoo. They were gathering their bags. “Isn’t your shift over?” Eun Kyung asked, turning to smile.

Cora sighed and shook her head. “No, I was asked to work a double shift. It’s fine really, since I haven’t had much work lately. Are you two headed home?”

“I have to go pick up Jinwoo so we can go to our parents’ house, after dropping off Eun Kyung.” Minwoo informed, and Cora nodded. “Why, do you need anything?”

She shook her head. “No I’m fine. Do you know if anyone else is working this shift?”

Eun Kyung shook her head. “Not that I can think of. I mean, of course you’re not working alone, but I think it’s most of the weekend shift guys.”

“Great.” Cora groaned. She pulled out her phone and text MinHee about her aggravation. “I should probably get back out there.” She said, waving to the two as she turned to leave. One of the orders was placed out, so Cora grabbed it and started towards the table.

As she walked, one of the waitresses told her that there were two customers seated in her section. “I’ll get right to it.” She said, continuing towards the table she was already enroute to. “Who ordered the medium well burger?” She asked, and a small girl at the table leaned forward to take the plate. “And the still mooing, perfectly bloody delicacy must be yours, sir.” Cora said, smiling as she leaned forward and handed the man his burger. “Can I get you any drink refills?”

“No, I think we’re okay.” The girl said, and as Cora turned to smile at her, her eyes caught someone flinching behind a menu. She frowned, and the girl looked confused. “I mean if you have to-”

“Oh no, miss, I’m sorry, I just… excuse me.” She said, moving around the table and starting towards the booth holding the two new, far too familiar customers. “What are you fools doing here?” Cora asked, coming to a stop with her hand on her hip.

Jackson and Mark dropped their menus and grinned. “We came to see you.” Jackson said sweetly. “Aren’t you happy to see us?”

“No!” She exclaimed, and they both looked surprised. “I’m working! I can’t stand here and talk to you all afternoon. Can I get you any drinks?”

Mark laughed. “Loving the passive aggressive waitressing.” He propped his chin on his hand. “Can I just have a glass of water?”

Jackson nodded. “Mhm, me too.”

Cora groaned. “You didn’t even look at the menus, did you?” Both shook their heads. “Were you just hiding behind them?” They nodded. “Alright, here’s what I’m going to do. Hey Chelsea?” Cora called to the hostess at the front of the store. “Can I get two?” Chelsea pointed to the children’s menus. Jackson and Mark moved to see what was going on, but couldn’t, so Cora nodded, and Chelsea hurried towards her with two menus and two packs of crayons. “Thank you. Here you two go. If you’re going to come into my work acting like children, you’ll be treated like children.”

Chelsea laughed. “One of you must be her boyfriend.” Jackson nodded and Mark raised his hand, smiling at Cora with his chin still in his other hand. Chelsea looked him over and poked Cora’s side. “He’s hot Cora. Better watch out.” She said this in English.

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