11: Chores

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Cora sat on the step from the living room into the dining room with Ginger perched on her lap, stroking the cat’s fur protectively. Mark sat beside her, a few inches away, watching the cat with a small smile playing his lips. The two murmured quietly while Cora snuggled the cat, ecstatic to have her back.


MinHee stood with Jackson, Youngjae and Yuygeom closer to the door. MinHee pulled out her phone and text a message to Bambam asking where he was. He replied back immediately that he, Jr. and JB were still looking for the cat. MinHee leaned over and showed the text to Jackson.


“No one bothered to tell the others that we found the cat?” He asked, and each of the boys stared at him. He groaned. “We’re the best guys.” He said, shaking his head and pulling out his phone.


MinHee stopped him and typed a message telling him that they should probably get going anyways, because she and Cora were supposed to be up early the next day. It was only a small lie. They didn’t really have anything to do the next day, she was just exhausted. Jackson nodded and turned to the others. “We should probably get heading out.” He said, looking to Mark, who didn’t look to excited about this plan. “I mean, we can come by tomorrow and help you finish unpacking.”


Cora looked to MinHee and, noticing her expression, shook her head. “No, that’s alright Jackson. We appreciate the offer, but we can handle it from here. Besides, all the tough stuff is already up.”


Mark sighed and stood. “We have that interview tomorrow anyways.” He said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “But, uh… call me, if you need anything. Really, okay?” Cora smiled and nodded. “I’ll tell JB to text you later.” He said to MinHee before walking to the door.

Each of the boys told the girls to have a good night before leaving the apartment. Cora sighed and stood, telling MinHee that she was exhausted and was going to bed. “That’s a good idea.” MinHee signed, and Cora nodded, holding Ginger against her. That cat wasn’t leaving her sight for days. “Good Night.”


When Cora disappeared into her room, MinHee started towards hers. She threw opened the door to the half-unpacked room and sighed. It was exhausting work, moving. Especially in one day. Her room was still full of boxes, but the bed frame was completely assembled and her mattress lay on top without sheets. She didn’t even bother dressing the bed before she slammed down and passed out on the mattress.

Cora yawned as she opened her bedroom door, and Ginger raced past her. “I hate you too!” She shouted after the cat. “Stupid creature.” She groaned, limping into the living room.


MinHee just so happened to be unpacking already and overheard her. “Mark and Jackson found that cat for a reason.” She signed before continuing to open boxes.


Cora groaned and flopped onto the couch. “Yeah, and I still think she loves you more.” Ginger leapt on top of the box MinHee had just pulled in front of her and meowed loudly. “Traitor.” Cora muttered before throwing her arm over her eyes. “I am still exhausted.” She complained.


MinHee looked over at her and winced. “Your ankle looks horrible.” She signed as her friend rolled onto her side and yelp in pain. “Let me get you an ice pack for that.” She signed, starting towards the kitchen.

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