After Chapter: Jackson and MinHee's Talk Show Pt. 2

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The rest of the show went off without a hitch. Eric Nam asked MinHee millions of questions. It seemed the show was centered around the upcoming debut.


“When is the date for the debut?”


“Do you and the other members get along?”

“Cora constantly complains on twitter about the cramped spaces. How small is the apartment.”


MinHee laughed at this one, shaking her head. “Cora’s pampered.” She said, taking of Jackson’s hat, pushing back her hair, and putting the hat back on. “You need to understand that Cora grew up in a home where everything was spaced out. I’ve been in all of her parents’ estates, and they’re all incredibly spacious, so she’s used to having to walk two miles to get to the bathroom. That being said, there are six of us in a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment.”


“Oh my,” Eric laughed, and Jackson nodded in agreement.


“It doesn’t help that Cora and Ji-su are extremely claustrophobic.” MinHee laughed lightly before continuing. “One time, Cora was ranting about how terrible the living space was, and how only two of us could actually be in the bedroom at a time. Since we’re signed with Big Hit, we were given a dorm like the other bands have, we’re nothing special. So I told her, Cora, did you realize that the Bangtan Boys have the same apartment, and there’s seven of them, and they function fine.”


Eric laughed. “Did that work?”


“Yes!” Jackson and MinHee answered. “You see,” Jackson continued. “Cora has a terrible obsession with BTS. When their newest album came out, she locked herself in her room and listen to it seven times, one for each member. She then decided that wasn’t enough, and listened to it for the rest of the weekend.”


Eric shook his head. “What is it that makes her so obsessed with them?”


MinHee shook her head. “I’m not even sure, and we’ve been friends for as long as I can remember. I know she likes the way they look, but that’s not entirely it.” She shook her head. “Cora’s weird.”


“So we’ve all seen.” Eric laughed. “But it seems like she, and all the other band members, only want to protect you MinHee.”


MinHee nodded. “Yeah, I agree with you there.”


“All of GOT7 wants to protect her too.” Jackson said, winking at MinHee.


Eric rolled her eyes. “In short, he means himself.”


“Well, her brother too,” Jackson said, wrapping an arm around MinHee. “And Bambam took a serious liking to MinHee, probably because she speaks Thai.” Jackson shrugged. “And Jr. thinks of her as a little sister, since he’s known her since the JJ Project.”


Eric laughed, shaking his head. “So MinHee is the world’s little sister. That’s going to be your new identifier.” MinHee laughed, and Eric continued. “What’s it like to have your brother in the industry with you?”

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