54: Contract

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MinHee sat in the waiting room of the hospital, with her hands clasped in her lap and her eyes fixed on the floor. In her hands she clasped Jinwoo’s, squeezing tightly. She was trying to keep her breathing steady when the nurse came through the doors and looked around. “Im MinHee?” She asked, and MinHee moved to stand.

She looked to Jinwoo, fear plain on her face. He smiled at her. “It’s going to be fine.” He said, standing with her. “I’ll walk you in.”

The speech rehab, as Jinwoo had called it, was going to be held every week at the hospital, so the doctors could record her recovery and reentry to speaking. Today was the first day, and MinHee was so scared it wouldn’t produce any results.

“This way.” The nurse said, directing the two down a short hall. At the end of the hall was a room that was filled with things for children. A short table with matching chairs, of all different colors, books, building blocks, and various other childrens toys.

Sitting in a regular sized chair was a woman with a bright smile on her face. She stood as MinHee walked into the room. “You must be MinHee. Hello, I’m Doctor Lee.” She said, bowing and gesturing to the second chair across from the one she sat in. She turned to Jinwoo. “I can handle her from here, thank you. She’ll be safe.” She said, winking at Jinwoo.

He nodded and looked to MinHee. “I will be right out there waiting for you.” He said, waving as he left the room.

“Your boyfriend must really care about you.” Doctor Lee said, sitting across from MinHee. MinHee stared at her for a moment before nodding and looking at her hands. “Don’t be too disappointed, but we’re going to start with making simple noises. I am told you understand English.” She nodded. “Okay. I want you to start by making the noises of the letters in the English alphabet.”

Cora stood backstage, watching as Reina’s hair was curled to perfection by the stylist. “Are you sure there’s nothing you want to tell me?” She asked.

Reina made a face. “Is there something you want to tell me?” She asked, smiling in the mirror. Cora shook her head. “Good. Stop acting like a weirdo.” She laughed, and looked down at her phone.

Cora groaned and threw her head back. “Where’s MinHee!” She cried, stomping her feet. “You guys are so boring.”

“Thanks.” Mikki laughed, throwing a curler at her from across the room. “Yuna said good luck.”

“Sweet.” Ji-su smiled. “I still need to change.”

“Be quick. We go on in a few.” Reina reminded, and all the girls nodded.

Just as Reina spoke, the door opened and MinHee walked into the room with Jinwoo. “Oh. There you are.” Cora said flatly, and MinHee nodded. “We’re just changing into our interview outfits.” MinHee walked to Cora’s side and the four girls moved behind the curtained off area to change. Cora and MinHee grabbed their outfits and started to switch. Cora had been wearing sweats. MinHee had worn casual jeans.

“Where were you and Jinwoo?” Cora asked, peeling her shirt over her head and replacing it with a black muscle tee that had white letters spelling out ‘Karma Made Me Do It’. MinHee signed that they’d run to take his dog to the vet for a check up. “Oh. Cool.” She sighed, switching her sweats for tattered blue jean shorts.

She noticed MinHee fighting to get her sleeve away from her wrist. “Let me help.” She said, shooting forward to help, even though MinHee told her not to. She tore the sleeve from MinHee’s arm and noticed the hospital band around her wrist. “What the hell is that?” She asked, and MinHee sighed.

“I had a check up.” MinHee signed.

“So why did you lie before?” Cora asked, narrowing her eyes at MinHee. MinHee stammered for an excuse.

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