67: Haruto

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Cora threw open the door to the apartment, causing MinHee to jump from her spot on the couch. She strode inside, kicking off her shoes, and pointed to herself. “Am I glowing?” She demanded angrily.

MinHee put her book aside and slid her legs off the couch. “Uhm, yes. With anger.” She signed, watching as Cora strode across the apartment.

“Nick says I’ve been glowing lately, and he guessed that I was pregnant! Pregnant! Do I look fat or something?” She asked, pulling up her shirt and looked down at her stomach. “Was he screwing with me?”

MinHee nodded. “I think he was screwing with you, Cora. Calm down before you break something.” Cora frowned. “I’m serious. Nick’s just trying to get under your skin. It’s what brothers do.”

Cora sighed. “He sucks sometimes.”

“You wanted a sibling.” MinHee declared, grabbing her book once again. “How were the kids?” Cora signed that they were great. “And the movie?”

“Could have been better. I mean, it wasn’t an entire waste of money, since the kids liked it, but it was annoying enough. Too much singing. And with all the deeper meanings and crap. It’s like they expect kids to understand the meaning, when they can’t even remember the plot line of the movie.”

MinHee laughed. “What did you expect? It’s a kids movie, which was labeled as a musical. You knew what you were getting yourself into.” Cora sighed and nodded. “Do you have work tonight?” She nodded again. “Shouldn’t you be getting dressed then?”

“Crap.” Cora muttered and moved towards her room.

MinHee was hoping she would have work. She’d invited Bambam over and was going to be speaking to him. Actually speaking, since she could now do so. Jinwoo also planned on stopping by for a bit to see her. Cora couldn’t be around for that.

Cora emerged from her room, fixing the collar of her white shirt as she walked towards the door and pulled on her black slip ons. “That was quick.” MinHee signed, and Cora nodded. “Are you going to be late or something?”

“No, but I figured if I get there earlier, they might give me more hours for having good behavior.” She sighed and, after pulling on her shoes, stopped to stand with her hands on her hips. “So the guys have that concert or whatever, and they’re going to be releasing their album, and there’s a showcase. Sounds like we won’t be seeing them for a bit.”

MinHee nodded. “But I’m sure they’ll make some time to come see us. I mean, Mark will.”

“Jackson too. He promised he’d come hang for a bit so we can listen to a few of my old CD’s and stuff.” MinHee’s heart sank at this. She figured that when he said he was going to stop hanging around her so much, that meant he wasn’t going to be at the apartment, at least without another member of the band there with him. Cora smiled. “Did you know he likes the same bands as me? Sounds like I’m dating the wrong member, huh?”

MinHee shook her head. “No, you’re not.” Cora raised an eyebrow. “I just mean… you and Mark are kind of perfect.”

Cora winked. “I already knew that, babe. But hey, thanks for reminding me.” MinHee nodded and looked down at her hands. “Min? Minnie, hey,” MinHee looked up and Cora gave her a concerned look. “I was just kidding. I appreciate the compliment. Are you okay?” MinHee nodded. “You just seem so out of it lately. Are you sure something isn’t up?”

MinHee nodded again. “You should get going. I mean, since you intend on being early and all.” Cora nodded and told her that she needed to lighten up. She told her to call if anything happened, that she would leave work at a moments notice if she needed her to. “I’ll be fine. Just get to work.” With that, Cora was gone, and MinHee sat quietly thinking about their conversation.

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