After Chapter: Halloween Part 1

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A/N: Okay guys, the Halloween chapters are going to plentiful, so expect there to be a few uploads directly after one another, just so we can crank them out before the 31st, so it isn't out of date and all. Anyways, enjoy!

“How many people are going to be there?” Jackson asked, wrapping his free arm around MinHee’s waist. The two were in MinHee and Reina’s apartment, laying across the couch together, not really watching the television show they had put on.


Cora was throwing a Halloween party, as she did every year, at one of her parents’ estates. MinHee was pretty sure it was at the family’s main manor, where the family lived year round, because her mother and father were vacationing at the fall house. “Well,” She said lightly. “I know that the other groups from work are coming, because I was there when she invited BTS, and there are going to be a few people from college who we’ve kept in contact with. She invited a handful of people we used to work with and, of course, you guys.” She shrugged. “Easily a hundred or two, since the entire company was invited.”


Jackson frowned. “And why do I want to go to this party?”


MinHee grinned and kissed his cheek. “Because I asked you to. And because you don’t want me to go alone, where I’ll be hit on by plenty of people-”


“I thought it was all people you knew from work and school.” Jackson immediately interrupted.


MinHee smirked. “Are you jealous?” Jackson huffed. “Everyone is allowed to bring a guest, if you want. So that means there’s going to be people I don’t know. And they don’t know me, so they don’t know that I’m in a relationship. Either way, I’m going to be wearing a costume, so even if they did-”


“What are you wearing?”


“Stop interrupting me and maybe I’d tell you.”


Jackson frowned. “It better not be anything short. Or cute. Maybe you should go as a nun.”


MinHee laughed. “Well, it’s going to be a surprise, so you don’t get to know. Sorry.”


“I do get to know.” Jackson said, rolling over her and moving to stand. “Because I’m about to go raid your room, find it, and rip it up if it’s too short.”

MinHee shook her head. “When did you become JB? Or my dad,” She said, moving to stand. “I promise it won’t be bad, so sit down and get over it.”


Jackson did sit, and looked up at her. “Maybe we should get couples outfits. Like you can wear one of those sackish prison outfits and I can be a cop. That way, everyone knows you’re there with me, and there’s nothing for anyone to look at.” MinHee made a face. “Or you can dress as Jelly and I can be Peanut Butter.”

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