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A few hours later we are on the road headed to the CDC.

"So what were you and Rick talking about back at the camp?" Shane asks me as we ride in the jeep.

"Nothing much. Just wondered how my wound was healing." I lie.

"Oh ya, how is it doing?" Shane wonders.

"Fine. We both know I've had worse." I say looking out the window at the trees flying by.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make this wound hurt any less. I know you wanna keep on a brave face for me but I know you Keres. I know how you lie to others and yourself about how you're doing." He starts ranting and I roll my eyes and he punches me in the good arm.

"Here comes the speech." I mutter.

"Oh, you wanna speech, I can give you a speech!" He scoffs.

"Let me guess, Rick asked you if there was any pain or discomfort and you just replied with a 'nah I'm good.' See, I know how you operate. You tell yourself and others that you're fine but in reality, you're barely holding on." He states looking at me and waiting for a response.

"Yeah, ok. You got me figured out so well." I mock.

"No, but seriously. I'm fine. I was shivved in prison more times than I can count, this...this is nothing." I chuckle and he chuckles too while shaking his head.

"So, you never uh...told me where you were held up before you ran into Daryl." Shane interrupts the silence.

"Just around." I say not giving any specifics.

"Keres...where were you?" He asks a little more annoyed.

"Why does it matter? I'm here now." I huff.

"When I saw the chaos of it all I heard that the prisoners were escorted out and then their plane ended up crashing. The plane that you were supposed to be on, by the way. So, if you weren't on the plane then where were you?!" He almost yells then there's a long pause.

"You know what, fine, don't tell me. And here I was thinking that we were finally opening up to each other." He huffs.

Before I can respond the RV in front of us comes to a halt. Shane gets out of the jeep and meets the others to see what's going on.

"What is it?" Shane asks in a concerned yet steady voice.

"It's Jim. He says he doesn't want to keep going. He wants us to leave him here." Dale tells us as if it's the most preposterous thing he's ever heard.

"Ok, then dump him next to the tree." I say as I jump into the jeep.

"You are a heartless monster!" Dale says in shock and I just roll my eyes.

"No, Keres' right. If this is what he wants, we shouldn't let him keep suffering the way he is right now." Rick says standing up for me.

There are muffled conversations among the group. I look and see Jim out the window of the RV. He looks like absolute crap.

"Rick, give me a hand will ya?" Shane asks.
Rick just nods.

They go into the trailer and carry out a very frail and sick Jim. They put him up against the tree and each of them says their heartfelt goodbyes.

"Ok, we ready?" I asked annoyed.

"Yeah, I never expected a heartwarming send off from you anyway Keres. Go on. I'll be ok. I just want to be with my family." Jim laughs and coughs in pain.

Everyone but me jumps at the sound of a gunshot. Jim has a bullet in his head. They all turn and look to see me with Shane's gun in my hands and it has obviously been discharged.

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