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I wake up in the cell with a pounding headache and a wrapped up abdomen. Then I remember what happened. I look and see Rick sleeping on the bench in the outside of the cell and roll my eyes.

"You know? Usually people have visiting times when the prisoners are awake." I say and Rick slowly starts to wake up.

"I wanted to make sure I was here when
You woke up. Explain-." He starts saying.

"I want to go after the bastards and you won't let me. End of story." I mutter and Rick sighs.

"If they really are with Negan, it means there's probably more." Rick sighs as he wipes his eyes.

"Then I'll kill them too. What's so hard to understand?" I scoff.

"We don't know who we're up against. I'm not gonna let you chase ghosts!" Rick huffs clearly done arguing with me.

"You can't keep me locked in here forever." I scoff as he walks up to the bars.

Rick's about to say something but is interrupted when Carol's boyfriend, Tobin, enters. He walks over and hands Rick a written note. I recognize the writing as Carol's. Rick reads it and huffs.

"You're coming with." Rick growls and unlocks the cell door.

"Carol left I'm guessing." I say and Rick looks at me confused.

"She might've mentioned something to me." I smirk and he glares at me.

"Why wouldn't you say anything?" Tobin asks and I scoff.

"Because she loves causing drama, and knew it would get her out of the cell." Rick mutters and I walk out of the cell with a smirk.

We head up to the gate and Sasha, Morgan, and Abraham are all standing there.

"Rick, I took over at 12:00, I was on till 6:00. I never saw anything." Sasha says.

"Fronts been quiet since the others left." Abe says and Rick looks at him confused.

"What?! Who?" Rick asks.

"Daryl. He went after the Saviors from yesterday. Glenn, Michonne, Rosita, they all went to shut that shit down." Abe explains and Rick looks over at me but I just smirk.

"Where's the other car?" Tobin asks and turns around.

"We added two more cars yesterday. One of them's missing, the one we put right between those houses." Tobin says.

"Funny how the view from the top is limited in that spot." I smirk and Rick turns on me.

"What did you do?!" Rick growls.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I say as if I'm innocent.

"The note, can I see it?" Morgan asks and Rick hands it to him.

"You never saw any headlights, taillights? She's smart enough to cover her tracks." Rick huffs.

"She must've left during the shift change." Sasha says.

Morgan starts walking away and Rick asks him where he's going. Morgan responds saying that he's going to go find her. Rick clenches his jaw and looks at me and then over at the others.

"Tell Carl we'll be back soon. No one else leaves. Everyone stays ready for a fight." Rick huffs and grabs my arm and drags me along with him to one of the cars.

"You know I'm good at fighting." I chuckle and he just opens the back seat and points for me to get in.

I sigh and get in and he slams the door shut. He's beyond pissed and I don't blame him. Morgan comes over and goes into the driver's seat and I expect Rick to go in the passenger's but instead he comes in on the other side and sits next to me.

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