Good Guys

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Keres' POV:
I wake up on the ground sore from when Philip beat the living crap out of me for threatening him.

Milton comes in to give me some water and food like he always does early in the mornings so that Philip doesn't catch him. He gives me a look of pity but I tell him to shove it, that I'm gonna get out of here and make Philip's life a living hell. He gives me a small smile of encouragement.

He puts his life on the line everyday even though he knows that I can't die permanently. I guess he wants me to gain my strength so that I have a chance at getting out of here.

"Can I ask you something?" Milton finally speaks for the first time.

I look up at him surprised and just nod my head for him to continue.

"Why do you hate yourself?" He asks me.

I look up at him surprised and start chuckling, "What makes you think I hate myself?"

"Because I know what you're capable of. I heard about the handcuffs and how you snatched the gun from Andrea." He explains.

"If you really wanted to get out of here you could, but you don't, so there must be a reason for that." He says.

I just nod my head and start chuckling. "Those handcuffs, were rusted making it so the chain on it broke easily. And Andrea, well she was just as surprised as I was when I got loose so I took that opportunity." I calmly explain.

"And you really believe that?" Milton asks.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I. Superhuman strength isn't a real thing I mean it's completely absurd!" I express.

"Yeah, and the dead walking around and you not being able to die isn't?!" He says in shock.

"Man, you have been reading way too many comic books. I'm not something that was engineered in a fucking lab, actually I don't even know what I am or why I scar and don't scar sometimes...why some wounds heal faster than others." I shake my head.

"What do you mean by some wounds heal faster than others?" He asks intrigued.

"Well, I was shot in the right shoulder region and I died from that gunshot from blood loss, and then the Governor shoots me in an artery in my leg and it heals up within minutes." I explain.

"Well maybe it's because you're body knew that it was on the verge of death so it worked harder and faster to heal than it did when you were shot in a nonfatal area." He guesses.

"And the scaring?" I add.

"Maybe it's your bodies way of reminding you about the injuries that not only impacted you physically but also emotionally..." He says.

"Yeah, ok. I'm pretty sure that's bullshit because I don't feel anything, emotionally." I say.

"Maybe not anymore, and maybe that's why the Governor can't get you to scar. But whoever gave you those scars that you have, must have been..." He starts but then stops himself.

"What?" I ask curious as to where he was going with that sentence.

"Never mind I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry I gotta go." He apologizes as he opens the door and leaves and I just huff in annoyance.

I look down at my wrist and see my Dad's mark. It seemed like no matter what I did to it, it kept intact. I tried burning it completely, cutting it up to make it distorted, even tried to get a tattoo over it but the tattoo just ended up healing, leaving the fucking mark.

Daryl's POV:
We head out to go to the meeting with the Govenor. Rick brings a few of us along to make sure things don't go south. We drive up to some abandoned buildings and Rick enters one of them.

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