Saving the Lost

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**** represent beginning and end of triggering scene!


"Really is that the best you got!" I pant after he beats me with the whip.

That just gets him more upset so he he starts slicing my body with knives. He finally takes the blindfold off so I can see him face to face.

7 months later

A few months go by and he's tried dry drowning me, shooting me with; darts, arrows, and needles. He's used tactics like starvation, dehydration, sensory overload, sensory deprivation, isolation, beatings, breaking bones, even practicing surgical procedures on me without anesthesia.

"You know it's funny..." I start.

"What is?" He asks annoyed.

"You're trying so hard with so many tools to get under my skin and all I have to use is words on you and I'm already there." I laugh.

A low growl comes from his throat. He takes out his gun and shoots me in my right thigh. I clench my jaw.

"Is that really the best you've got? I've literally been burned alive!" I mock through gritted teeth as the bullet tears through my flesh, muscle and bone.

He shoots me again in my left leg this time earning him a low grunt and some heavy breathing from my end.

"You know...I think you just might be enjoying this more than I am." He finally comes to his conclusion.

"Ding ding ding!!!" I announce as if he's won a prize a game show.

"I mean, don't beat yourself up too much, it only took you a few months to figure it out." I mock.

"Fine. New game then." He says as he releases me from my cuffs and I drop to the ground.

He brings me to his place again.

"Take a shower. You smell like shit!" He orders and I give him a quizzical look.

I head into the bathroom and lock the door. I strip and notice all the cuts and bruises on my body. It's the first time I've actually got a close look at his handy work. I sigh and get in the shower and start washing off.

I get shampoo in my hair when the bathroom door opens. There's the Governor standing there naked. I try to push him out but I'm too weak and exhausted. He overpowers me and has his way with me.

I struggle against him but I'm helpless. He touches me everywhere and chuckles when I try to squirm away and fail.

"Well, I think I've found a new way to torture you..." He whispers in my ear.

This goes on for a while and when he's done he gets me some clothes to put on and drags me back to the warehouse.

He doesn't even bother to chain me to the walls because he knows he's broken me.


Morning comes and I'm in the far corner of the dark room curled up into a ball. I could handle a lot of things but what he did the day before brought back memories from when I was a kid. Everything that my dad and uncle did to me came back all at once.

But I still won't let him win. I start feeling like my blood is boiling and anger rises inside me, I feel like I'm on the verge of exploding into a rage and destruction.

The Governor opens the door not knowing what he's just stepped into.

"Ready for round two?" He says with a devilish grin looking down at me and I try to even my breathing but it's no use.

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