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Rick gets some stuff together and we get ready to leave for Hilltop. I get the gas for the RV and Rick comes out. I take my bag along just in case something happens.

"Any change?" Sasha asks as her, Abe and Eugene make their way over.

"She's getting worse." Rick replies.

"Good call on the transport." Abe says motioning to the RV.

"I figured she'd be more comfortable." Rick explains.

"It also means you got room for more. They're out there, so I'm gonna be there with you. We are." Abe says looking over at Sasha.

"Package deal." Sasha says with a smile.

"Of fucking course you are." I scoff.

"Uh, what she said." Eugene says and heads into the RV and I roll my eyes.

Rick pulls me aside and huffs. I cross my arms still a bit ticked off about his attitude towards me lately.

"I don't know if you should come along, you're still recovering from your arrow wound." He says and I scoff.

"You're joking right? Come on, I've gone through worse things than this." I scoff.

"Keres, if the Saviors are still out there, they're gonna want blood. They'll probably recognize you-." He starts saying.

"Then I finish them off! Come on Rick! You can't take me out of this!" I say feeling angry.

"You've been injured more times in this past month-." He starts saying.

"Don't use that bullshit excuse. How about you just say what's really on your mind for once?" I growl.

"You're unpredictable! I can't even predict what you're going to do next or who you're going to go after anymore! I used to be able to understand your motives, but lately it's like you don't have any, like all you care about is the kill!" He finally spits it out.

"Is that what you think of me? Like I'm some kind of wild animal who kills whenever they feel like it?" I ask feeling anger bubbling up.

"No, I'm just questioning your motives behind your more recent kills. I can't tell if you're doing it to protect us or to make yourself feel good." He says and gulps and I lean up against the fence.

"The Saviors came at us first! They threatened to kill Abe!" I shout.

"And as for the ones at the outpost, I took down some Polaroids that one of the men had hanging on his wall. It was photos of people with their heads bashed in." I say and Rick gulps.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks.

"Because I didn't need you thinking about it. You have enough to worry about, I wasn't going to add to the list." I shrug and Rick pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry I've been such an asshole." Rick finally apologizes.

"I just worry about you sometimes. You face so much that people don't think about, things that take a toll on a person. I just wanted to protect you better I guess." Rick huffs as he pulls away from the hug.

"Everyone goes through shit, Rick." I chuckle and he nods his head.

"Yeah, but most of them don't go through what you have had to." He says sincerely and I gulp.

"I'm fine, really." I try to tell him and he nods his head but I can tell he doesn't believe me.

I get in the passenger's side while the others get Maggie comfortable. Rick looks over at Aaron who starts coming over and I don't need to hear their conversation to know that Aaron is coming along, whether Rick likes it or not.

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