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Rick's POV:
I get back to the house only to find that Keres isn't in bed. Our Walkie is on her bedside table and I realize she must've gotten a distress call from Daryl or Sasha. I look in her bag and see one of her outfits is gone and huff. I know it's no use going after her, but I just wish she could have gotten more time to sleep.

I head outside and find Morgan practicing his moves with his staff and huff knowing I should try to patch things up between us. The last time we talked I stormed off.

"Morgan." I announce my presence and he stops.

"Morning." He says in his friendly tone.

"We haven't talked. We should. A little later, okay?" I say and walk past him towards the wall.

I see some blood dripping down the wall knowing that it's not a good sign. I look and see Maggie up in the watch station again, and head up to her.

"You don't have to be up here so much." I say trying to sound casual.

"I won't be. This is the direction he's come in. If he sends up a signal it'll be from out there, or it won't be." She explains and I look at her, trying to figure out what to say.

"When we go out there, it's never easy, it's never simple. It's always a fight. But we've come back from harder things. From further away. Glenn, Daryl, Abraham and Sasha, they will too." I say trying to make her feel a bit better, give her hope.

I feel for her, when I thought I lost Keres at the farm I didn't know what I was gonna do, how I was going to go on. I had lost all hope, and I don't want a Maggie to feel like that. I don't want anyone having to feel like that.

"I'd say that maybe we don't wait for them to be back, but I'm pretty sure Keres left this morning to do what you're thinking of doing." I sigh and she looks over at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"She'll find them and she'll bring them back. I know she will." I try to reassure her but it doesn't seem to work.

I know Maggie and Keres don't have the best relationship ever since, well, almost the beginning. But it got even worse after Keres killed Hershel. And then Beth.

"We should start figuring out how to draw the walkers away. We have some food and water that'll last us a while and the walls are holding. We can take our time. Really think this through. Do it right. Clear it so they can-they can walk right in." I say trying to mildly change the subject and get Maggie's mind off of Glenn and Kado.

"I saw Judith in the house the other day. She's starting to look like Lori. Made me happy." Maggie says and I nod my head.

"Me too." I agree then head back down.

I find Carl and Jessie's kid and we walk over and see Gabriel posting up signs saying "Prayer Cricle at 1pm." I rip them down immediately and keep walking. Carl tries to say something but I ignore him.

I get to the place we need to be and start explaining the mechanics of a gun to Ron. Carl and I walk him through how to use guns and teach him the proper safety and how to hold it. I tell him to keep the gun with him so he can get used to how it feels carrying it around.

He asks if he can shoot it down at the walkers but I shut that down immediately. I explain that we don't want to bring the walkers towards one spot of the wall. He tries to give some ideas like silencers and practice spread around the fence, but then decides against it since it would still cost us bullets.

After the gun session I start walking down the road and I see Morgan talking to Olivia. I interrupt their discussion and ask if he has time to talk now. He nods his head and heads down the steps and follows me down the road. We get to my place and sit down at the table.

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