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Negan's POV:
I huff as I look through the names on the ID's. Multiple are carved into a blank card which intrigues me. I find the name Mika carved into one on a chain where there's only a few cards. I look over at the doll and connect the dots.

I sigh as I think about why she wouldn't tell me about the ID's.

What's so special about them? She had almost no problem identifying the other items. What made the ID's so special?

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts and I tell them to come in.

"We have a problem." Simon announces as he enters.

"We always have a problem. You're gonna need to be more specific." I mutter as I look over at him.

"It's the prisoner." He says and I sit up right.

"What now?" I huff.

"She's back in the hospital wing." He says and I roll my eyes.

"What for now?" I huff.

"She punched the wall until her fists were bloody. She finally stopped when we turned the music off." He explains and I furrow my brows.

"The song we play over and over to break them?" I ask and he nods his head.

Something seems to click as I remember the song playing when I found her with bloody wrists.

"In the truck on the way here, were you guys listening to the same song?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I think so, why?" He questions and everything starts to make sense.

I get up from my seat, grab Lucille and my leather jacket and leave the room. I find myself in Carson's office and see Tiger sitting there getting her hands bandaged up. I have Carson leave the room for a bit, wanting to see if my theory is correct.

I click the play button on the radio and the song starts playing. In an instant Tiger's mood does a complete 180. Her eyes dart up, becoming dark and she's jumping over the table charging me.

I duck as she swings, she charges me again actually knocks me off my feet, making Lucille go flying to the other side of the room. She gets on top of me and punches me in the face but I dodge the next blow, switching our positions so I'm on top of her. She kicks me in the gut making me let go of her. She scrambled to her feet and looks over at Lucille at the same time I do. 

"Oh no you don't!" I growl and slam her against the wall.

She gets free, slides between my legs across the floor. I quickly turn the music off as she attempts to grab Lucille. It takes a few seconds but she stops with Lucille raised and looks around at the mess confused. I grab Lucille out of her grasp before she realizes what's going on.

I pant out of breath from the altercation and lean against the wall. She still looks around the room confused as I catch my breath.

"Well, we figured out the trigger." I say with a huff.

"What the fuck happened?" She asks finally finding words.

"You attacked me." I admit and she furrows her brows.

"You really don't remember any of it, do you?" I question and she shakes her head.

"Alright, I'm gonna have to ban this song." I chuckle as I snap the cd in half and she looks at the broken CD on the floor.

"You wanna tell me who in your group brainwashed you to kill anything and everything in sight when the certain song plays?" I ask and tilt my head as she looks like she's trying to rack her brain for the answer.

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