Season 6

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Keres' POV:
After everything that happened, Glenn tells me that he got Nicholas to the medic building as if I care. He also tells me that Tara is awake, again, as if I care.

I go out and find Red and Curly drunk on the doorstep after digging Reg's grave. I watch as he puts the ring on top of the whiskey bottle with sheer determination, willing it not to fall off.

"Saved some for me I hope." I chuckle and he fumbles with the bottle, palming the ring and hands me the almost empty bottle.

"Always save some for you." He slurs and I scoff and drink the rest.

"I thought being me would make me used to all this killing bullshit." He mutters and I lean on my elbows.

"Well, you know when it's the end of the world an all..." I scoff and take out my own bottle of liquor and take a sip.

I hand it to him and he takes a sip as well. He sighs as he hands it back to me and looks at the ring.

"It's okay to miss them." I say out loud and he nods his head absentmindedly.

"I'm serious. Remembering them is what keeps them alive in a weird twisted way, or so I heard from a fortune cookie once." I joke and take a long swig.

"You don't seem to miss anyone." He taunts and I take another swig then hand him the bottle.

"That's because I'm a heartless bitch." I mutter and now he scoffs.

"Yeah, and I'm Mr. Cuddles." He mocks and I laugh.

"You kind of are though." I joke and punch him in the shoulder.

"How about this, if we're ever in a situation and I ever want you to kill me, I'll say a certain phrase." He slurs and I huff.

"Oh, yeah and what's the phrase?" I scoff.

"I don't know yet. I mean that's not the phrase, it means I don't know what the phrase is yet." He clarifies and I chuckle.

"Never mind, you'll know." He nods his head as he thinks about it.

About an hour later we both fall asleep on the porch completely wasted.


I wake up out in the middle of the woods. I hear a twig snap. My head jerks up and I'm met with a dark brown pair of eyes. My stare travels up to the forehead and I see the familiar W carved in it. But this isn't a walker. This person is alive.

He has long, dark brown hair caressing his neck and shoulders. His face looks dirty, but that's expected.

"Well, hello there." He says with a sneer and I carefully listen to my surroundings as I slowly get up.

There's more around me. They're quietly circling me.

"I'd leave if I were you." I warn and he smirks.

"Now, why would I do that?" He scoffs.

"If you want to live-." I start saying but suddenly am yanked backwards by my neck.

I grab at the rope around my neck, trying to loosen it so I can get air in my lungs. I start kicking my legs trying to find something to get traction but the man from before gets on top of me, grinning down at me like a hunter looking at his prize prey.

"Shhhh. Stop fighting. We'll loosen up the rope if you stop fighting." He whispers trying to calm me down.

I continue trying to fight against him and he huffs. I can feel the blood in my head pounding and I start getting weaker by the second.

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