Cop Killer

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Daryl's POV:
The people who took Beth take Carol and I end up stuck with a kid who escaped the place they're being held. I head back to the church to talk to Keres and Rick about it.

"Where's Keres?" I ask Rick and he looks at me confused.

"What do you mean? I thought she went after you." Rick says.

"No, we didn't see her." I shake my head and Rick gulps.

"They have her." He says with certainty.

"How'd you know?" I ask.

"A bit after she left I had this bad feeling. I couldn't place it. I just knew something was wrong. That's why we started fortifying the church." He explains and I sigh.

We ask the kid if he knew anyone by the name Keres or if he saw a girl with her description but he shakes his head.


Rick says goodbye to everyone and we head out with the kid, Sasha and Tyreese.

We get to an abandoned building and Rick starts telling us his plan. He talks about me slitting a man's throat as if it's not killing a person. Tyreese obviously doesn't agree with it but I know Rick is right. We need to stay quiet if this is gonna work.

If Keres is there and hasn't torn the place down herself already, it means something is seriously wrong.

Tyreese tries to talk Rick into doing an even trade, two or three of their cops for our people but Rick isn't having it. I speak up on Tyreese's behalf, saying that his plan should work too.

Part of me thinks that Keres isn't here. Because if it's like the kid says it is, she would get out in no time with ease.

Keres' POV:
I wake up in a hospital bed again only to feel a bandage around my right leg. I clench my jaw when I try to move it and the lower bone is clearly broken. I can tell that I'm not on any pain killers as well.

"Couldn't waste precious resources on stupidity." Dawn says with her arms crossed in the doorway.

"Let me guess, this is revenge for killing your buddy?" I groan as I sit up.

"That and attacking me." She says with a cold tone.

"I don't see any marks." I scoff and she storms over towards the bed.

She leans down towards my ear as he puts one of her hands on the cast on my leg. Applying a good amount of pressure to make my fists curl into balls and my teeth clench.

"Next time you might not be so lucky and we might end up amputating." She threatens and I turn my head and look her in the face.

"You know your pathetic shooting skills isn't something I'd brag about." I say with a smirk and she glares at me putting even more pressure on my leg.

"You should rest up. You're gonna need it. Because thanks to you, I'm down a man." She says and then pushes herself off and leaves the room.

I take a deep breath as the pain starts to subside. About an hour later Beth walks in the room and closes the door behind her. I roll my eyes at her stupidity.

"I don't have much time, but they have Carol now." She whispers and I huff and plop my head back down on the pillow.

"Of course they do. Why should I care?" I scoff and she furrows her brows.

"Because she's our friend-." Beth starts saying I shake my head and chuckle.

"I don't have friends." I scoff and she folds her arms across her chest.

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