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Shane sits there for a few seconds not saying anything at first.

"Ok, so what do you propose I do? Hmm? Go up to him when he gets back and tell him? I swear I thought he was dead! I checked for a heartbeat and pulse, I didn't find any! What am I supposed to do after that hmm? Leave the group? Because I can't leave you behind and I sure as hell can't ensure your survival on my own. Look, right now the only thing I'm gonna worry about is you. Because that little stunt you pulled back there could have started something serious." Shane explains and tries to put this back on me.

"Seriously? You know if I wanted Lori dead that she would be dead! You of all people should know that!" I growl and get up and go into my tent.

Shane's POV:
I just sit there as the embers from Keres' fire start dimming more. I can hear the crickets from the forest and whispers from the people around. I huff as I think about Keres.

I wish I could read her mind to know what she's thinking. She can be extremely hot headed at times, and this isn't the time for that. I need to be able to keep these people safe. But I can't do that if I have to fight Keres at the same time.

I poke a stick at the ashes and find a little bone from the squirrel. I can't help but think back to when Keres was little, about 3 years old, I took her out squirrel hunting in the woods. She had a riot. She climbed up trees and found snakes under logs. It was only for a day but it was one of the best days of my life, just seeing her explore everything and seeing new things.

It reminded me of when Rick and I would explore in the woods as kids, playing hunters or cops and robbers. We made a little fort of our own. Sometimes I ended up sneaking out at night when my parents were fighting and just sat in the fort. Rick sometimes found me and brought a blanket for us to share when it got too cold.

My mind is brought back to the present when a twig snaps and I see Lori walking over. She sits down next to me and I gulp feeling a bit guilty.

"I'm sorry I made a scene earlier, I was just really frightened." Lori says softly and I nod my head not knowing what to say.

Keres' POV:
I lay in my sleeping bag and listen to the crickets chirping and wonder how far Daryl and the rest of them made it so far. I'm almost asleep when I hear my tent being opened.

I grip my knife tightly, ready to pounce. Just as I'm about to strike I see Sophia's face pop in. She has tears stains on her little freckled face. I turn on my lamp and sit up.

"C-c-can I...um borrow a bandaid?" She whispers in a whimpering tone but tries to hide it.

I roll my eyes wondering why the hell she came to me. Especially with the way I scared her earlier today. I'm about to tell her to get lost but pause when I see that she isn't leaving.

I unzip my tent more so she can get in. In the light I see that she has a large cut on her arm with some old bruising around it. I clench my teeth wanting to punch Ed's skull in. I overheard Andrea talking to her sister about Ed's anger issues when I was gutting my squirrel. Buy I didn't need to heat it. His demeanor says it all.

"I-I-it's not as bad as it looks...I just need..." I cut her off and motion for her to sit down.

She does and keeps quiet. I don't have to ask her how it happened. I already know.

"Where is your mom?" I ask trying to keep her calm.

"Sleeping..." She lies as I clean her wound and wrap it up nicely.

"Stay here. I'll be back." I tell her, she nods and closes the tent door behind me.

I take my flashlight and look around and see Carol sitting against a tree softly crying. She gets startled when she sees me and tries to go back to her tent with Ed but I shake my head and motion for her to follow me. She reluctantly follows me to my tent and when I see her in the light I see her bruised arm and dislocated shoulder.

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