Season 5

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We start walking with the whole group and I hang in the back. We take a rest and I keep rolling my eyes at Maggie and Glenn. Maggie hasn't said a word to me and the new people don't know what to think of me.

Tara talks with Rick for a quick moment but then comes back over to me.

"How you doing?" He asks as I sit on a branch in a tree.

"Great. Just loving all the 'home on the prairie' vibes." I scoff and he chuckles.

"They're happy to have each other back." He says and I nod.

Tyreese comes up to me and I just look at him.

"Can I help you?" I ask and he gulps.

"I know it wasn't your fault. Karen and David. You didn't know what you were-." He starts saying and I huff and jump down from the tree and land right in front of him.

"No, I knew exactly what I was doing. I just don't remember it. There's a difference." I say and walk away.


We keep walking and Rick has me up in the front by him. I'm in charge of killing walkers if they come across our path. I've killed about 10 already. He also doesn't want me disappearing on him again.

We set up camp and start a fire. I can feel eyes on me and they're not friendly.

"If you have something to say to me then just-." I start saying and then get punched in the face by Maggie.

My lip is bleeding now and I lick it off. Rick comes over to see what's going on.

"What the problem?" Rick asks.

"The problem? She killed my father!" Maggie growls and the camp becomes silent as she storms off.

"I'll talk to her-." Rick says but I shake my head.

"Don't bother. It's fine." I shrug and wipe the blood off on my sleeve.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah. It's all good." I assure him and he nods his head.

Rick goes over and apologizes to Carol for kicking her out and asks if it's alright if we join her. She agrees and then he comes back over to me.

"You should get some sleep." He tells me and I nod my head and climb back up into the tree.

"Up there?" He scoffs.

"Why not?" I shrug and he chuckles.

I hear a twig snap and look in the direction it came.

I put one finger up to signal that there was one person and Rick nods his head. He sends Daryl to track who it was and makes me get some rest.


The next morning we start walking again and Daryl comes back with food. He comes over to Rick and I and tells us there were no tracks.

"So whatever you heard last night." Daryl say and I shake my head.

"Trust me, there was someone there." I tell him and Rick nods his head.

Rick tells the others to keep close. And motions for me to take lead from the back to make sure everyone stays together. Sasha and Bob annoy me with their happiness.

Suddenly someone starts shouting for help and Rick tells the group to hold up. Carl tells his dad that we should help whoever it is and I go up in a tree to see what's going on.

"He's not from the sanctuary." I tell Rick after I hop down.

"You sure?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Alright, kill the walkers and see what we got." Rick tells me and I take off.

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