Eye of the Beholder

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The same day we head out into the prison a little further and start killing walkers. We are almost clear when we get to the cafeteria and Hershel is attacked by a walker and bitten in the calf. I stab the walker in the head and pull it off of Hershel. The last thing I need is for the doctor in the group to die.

I look down and see teeth marks on his calf and the others come running in and see the scene. Suddenly I hear a noise coming from behind the counter and I throw my knife and it hits the wall and a few men jump up from behind the counter and hold guns up. I recognize one of them as Big Tiny. He was always nice to me and kept me safe even when he didn't need to.

Great just what I need. A bunch of crazy lunatic prisoners with guns, besides Big Tiny of course. I think to myself.

Rick holds off the prisoners and tries to keep everyone calm as the others hold down Hershel and I start chopping of his leg. I finally sever it completely with the second hit. The prisoners look at us in shock as we bandage up the stump and head towards Cell block C. We get Hershel in a bed and they start to work on him.

Daryl lifts his crossbow when 5 shadowy figures step through the doorway. But it's not walkers. They are five male inmates.

One is tall and with long dark brown hair and a mustache and beard

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One is tall and with long dark brown hair and a mustache and beard. I recognize him as Tomas. He was always a troublemaker and thought he was in charge.

Another one is short with blond medium hair and a large mustache who calls himself Axel. There's another guy who is also built like a tank but without any hair or beard whose name is Oscar.

And the last one is about the same size as the blonde mustache man but with a darker complexion with black hair and no facial hair who goes by the name Andrew.

"Put the damn weapons away." I say annoyed as I get in between Daryl and the five men.

Daryl looks at me and puts down his crossbow and I stare down the men and they look like they're totally confused to as what the hell is going on.

"I said put them down..." I growl.

Finally Tomas nods to the others and they put down their weapons. Big Tiny comes walking toward me and puts his hand out I start reaching for my knife but then I see that he is holding the knife that I threw at the wall. He's holding it in a non threatening way, he gives me a look like he knows who I am but promises not to tell anyone.

"Here, you didn't get a chance to get this back when well...ya." He explains in a deep voice politely while handing me my blade.

I just nod to him and put it in my holster.

"Would someone like to tell us what the hell is going on?" Tomas says.

"How long have you guy's been here?" Rick asks them.

"I don't know...one of the guards gave us this gun and told us to hide in the cafeteria to stay safe. We never saw him again." Andrew the shorter man with the darker complexion explains.

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