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Negan's POV:
"Did it work?" I ask Blake, waiting impatiently for him to answer.

"I believe so." He says and starts the music.

Tiger opens her eyes and I hold Lucille ready in case she strikes. Instead she just sits up and furrows her brows.

"Was this the fucking song?" She scoffs.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Damn, he had lame taste." She mocks her abductor's taste.

"That's it? You have no urges to maim or kill anyone?" I question and she shakes her head.

"Holy shit, doc! It fucking worked!" I shout as I stand up and clap him on the shoulder.

Keres' POV:
"Let's go." Negan orders me and holds out his hand.

"Where?" I ask trying to remember what just happened.

"Where do you think? You disobeyed me before all this began." He chuckles with his toothy smile and I narrow my eyes.

"Just because I didn't take a knee?" I scoff and he licks his lips.

"And now that I know we don't have anything to worry about...I thought...maybe we'd visit Rick and some other friends in Alexandria, teach you a proper lesson-."
He starts saying and I yank away from his grip.

"You touch them and I swear to god-." I start growling.

"You'll what?" He asks taking a big step forward closing the space between us.

"Huh? What are you gonna do?" He asks in a whisper as he looks down at me.

"Um..." Blake starts saying.

"You can leave Doctor." Negan orders without looking at him.

Blake leaves and now it's just Negan and I in the room. I can feel his breath tickle my forehead as he breathes, staring at me with those eyes.

"I'm waiting, what is the oh so scary Tiger gonna do if I go with some of my men and-."

"I'll burn this whole place to the ground, everything and everyone with it." I growl and his brows go up and inches closer, making me back up a bit and my back hits the wall.

"That's some fine big talk for someone who has nowhere else to go." He sneers and I clench my jaw.

"You said it yourself, you can't go back to Rick and the gang. You killed red and Asian boy. So, why on earth would you destroy the only place that can protect you?" He scoffs

"I can protect myself just fine." I snap back.

"Oh, I bet you can...in fact I know how well you...handle...things." He states seductively and I gulp as he leans close to my ear.

"But, something tells me that you don't want to protect yourself. You come off as someone who thrives in danger." He whispers the words into my ear as his hand pulls me into his body.

"What does it matter to you? Why don't you just let me leave and go on with whatever?" I question getting confused.

"What do you mean, what does it matter? I gave Rick my word you would be safe in my care, as long as they kept their end of the deal. Now, I may be a lot of things, and one of those many things is a man who keeps my word."

"So no, I'm not going to allow you go leave this compound, in fact I'm going to have eyes on you twenty four seven to make sure you don't pull any more stupid shit. And if I do find out that you pulled something or even attempted to pull something, you're going to wish you were in that tiny horrible cell." He threatens and I'm still in his grip.

[Rough Draft]        Keres : The Walking Dead Where stories live. Discover now